Horizons in World Physics. Volume 302


Albert Reimer (Editor)

Series: Horizons in World Physics
BISAC: SCI055000

Horizons in World Physics. Volume 302 considers the explanation of (bio)corrosion and (bio)leaching on the base of changes of electric potentials. (Bio)corrosion and (bio)leaching are terms related to the reaction of dissolution of the metals. While (bio)leaching is desirable, (bio)corrosion is an undesirable phenomenon.

Liquid film flows coating a solid surface have received much attention in recent decades due to their vast industrial applications, such as surface protection, lubrication and cooling. The authors suggest several future research directions, including flow control and optimization and machine learning.

Additionally, theoretical and experimental studies on the generation of ultra-bright internal second harmonics are presented. A model based on one-dimensional nonlinear Maxwell curl equations without taking into consideration the slowly-varying envelope approximation has been developed.

In quantum mechanics and particle physics, Spin is considered as an intrinsic form of the quantum angular momentum of a point particle. As such, the authors aim to demonstrate that in accordance with the creative original idea of Kronig, Uhlenbek and Goudsmit, we can associate Spin with an intrinsic form of two angular momenta of the quantum Spherical Top.

The soft physical effects of various forms of shock waves are assessed in the context of molecular ensembles in liquids and polymers for the selective control of the energy state of its individual structural components.

In order to describe Hadron dynamics properly, the embedding of 4-dimensional space to 5-dimensional space is tried in lattice simulations, and in the light front holographic quantumchromo dynamics approach in which symmetric light-front dynamics without ghost are embedded in AdS5.

This compilation also examines gluons, vector gauge bosons that mediate strong interactions of quarks in quantum chromodynamics.

In closing, to solve nonlinear diffusion problems on a sphere, apart from the pole-bordering method, two implicit, balanced and unconditionally stable finite-difference schemes of the second and fourth approximation orders in spatial variables are proposed.
(Imprint: Nova)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Understanding Electric Potential in Processes of (Bio)Corrosion and (Bio)Leaching
(Biljana S. Maluckov, Technical Faculty in Bor, University of Belgrade, Vojske Jugoslavije, Bor, Serbia)

Chapter 2. Coating Liquid Films: A Brief Review
(Zijing Ding and Chun Yang, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, and others)

Chapter 3. Anomalous Second Harmonic Generation during Femtosecond Superradiant Emission from Semiconductor Laser Structures
(Peter P. Vasil’ev, Richard V. Penty and Ian H. White, Centre for Photonic Systems, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, and others)

Chapter 4. New Fundamentals for Particle Physics. Emergent Spin and Duality of Time
(Ivanhoe B.Pestov, Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia)

Chapter 5. Properties of Atomic Nuclei Ensembles (Molecular Clusters and Domains) as a New Form of Matter
(Kristina Zubow, Anatolij Zubow and Viktor Anatolievich Zubow, R&D, Zubow Consulting, Germany, and others)

Chapter 6. A Closer Look at Gluons
(Sadataka Furui, Teikyo University, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Utsunomiya, Tochigi, Japan)

Chapter 7. Gluons at Small x
(Akbari Jahan, Department of Physics, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Nirjuli, Arunachal Pradesh, India)

Chapter 8. Direct Implicit Schemes for Problems of Linear Advection-Diffusion and Nonlinear Diffusion on a Sphere
(Yuri N. Skiba, Denis M. Filatov and Roberto C. Cruz-Rodríguez, Centro de Ciencas de la Atmósfera, Universidad Nacional, Autonóma de México, Mexico City, Mexico, and others)


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