New Developments in Science Education Research


Nathan L. Yates (Editor)

Series: Education in a Competitive and Globalizing World
BISAC: EDU029030

This book presents leading research and new developments in science education. Topics include developing a research programme in science education for gifted learners; research and innovation on learning and about advertising in science education; collaborative curriculum development of a teaching and learning module on bionics based on innovative ICT technology; the role of student questioning in university science classes; scaffolding inquiry-based science and chemistry education in inclusive classrooms; Frederick Accum (1769-1838) and the application of chemistry to social problems; the exhibitions of the natural history paleontology area at the British natural history museum based on argumentation; dynamic visualizations in the classroom; and navigating the scientific landscape via a writing across the curriculum program. (Imprint: Nova)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Chapter 1 – Developing a Research Programme in Science Education for Gifted Learners (pp. 1-28)
Keith S. Taber (University of Cambridge Faculty of Education, UK)

Chapter 2 – Research and Innovation on Learning with and about Advertising in Science Education (pp. 29-50)
Nadja Belova and Ingo Eilks (University of Bremen, Department of Biology and Chemistry, Institute of Science Education (IDN) – Didactics of Chemistry, Bremen, Germany)

Chapter 3 – Collaborative Curriculum Development of a Teaching and Learning Module on Bionics Based on Innovative ICT Technology (pp. 51-64)
Moritz Krause, Dörte Ostersehlt and Ingo Eilks (Institute of Science Education, University of Bremen, Germany)

Chapter 4 – Ask a Question! The Role of Student Questioning in University Science Classes (pp. 65-76)
Patrícia Albergaria-Almeida, Betina da Silva Lopes and Mariana Martinho (University of Aveiro, Research Centre Didactics and Technology in Education of Trainers, Portugal)

Chapter 5 – Scaffolding Inquiry-Based Science and Chemistry Education in Inclusive Classrooms (pp. 77-96)
Simone Abels (University of Vienna, Austrian Educational Competence Centre Chemistry)

Chapter 6 – Frederick Accum (1769-1838) and the Application of Chemistry to Social Problems (pp. 97-106)
W. P. Palmer (Curtin University)

Chapter 7 – The Exhibitions of the Natural History Paleontology Area at the British Natural History Museum Based on Argumentation (pp. 107-134)
Jun-Young Oh and Dong Joo Han (Center for Integrated General Education, Hanyang University, Seoul, Seoul, Republic of Korea, and others)

Chapter 8 – Dialogical Action Research into Pre-Service Science Teacher Collaboration with a Local High School: A Cultural-Historical Activity – Theoretical Perspective (pp. 135-150)
Seyoung Hwang, Namsoo Kim, Sang-Hak Jeon, Hyun-Pyo Shim and Kum-Bok Ryu (Department of Biology Education, Seoul National University, and others)

Chapter 9 – Dynamic Visualizations in the Classroom: The Case of Phase Change (pp. 151-170)
Dalit Levy (Kibbutzim College of Education)

Chapter 10 – Navigating the Scientific Landscape via a Writing across the Curriculum Program: Outcomes, Possibilities and Challenges (pp. 171-188)
Ingrid A. M. McLaren (University of The West Indies, Mona, Jamaica)


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