The Biology and Medical Dynamics of Human Reproduction


Laurence A. Cole, PhD (Editor)
Yale University, NM, US

Series: Human Anatomy and Physiology
BISAC: SCI036000

This book covers human female biology, how the menstrual cycle is controlled, how steroidogenesis is controlled and how the follicle and the egg are formed. This book covers male biology, and how steroid hormones are made, and how sperm are synthesized and matured. Then this book covers sex biology, such as how the brain deals with libido and sexual images, and how the brain controls erection and ejaculation. This book deals with how sperm are matured upon intercourse, how fertilization takes place, and how the fertilized embryo is matured and implants in the uterus.

The subjects of sexuality and homosexuality, chromosome disorders and hydatidiform moles are carefully discussed and considered. Sexual maturation of the fetus during pregnancy is carefully considered. This book carefully describes puberty, adrenarche and menarche. The subject of menopause is carefully considered. The subject of major bacterial and viral and sexual diseases is carefully considered as is the subject of reproductive cancers. In writing this book, care has been taken to update everything and check out the information available on medline and on the internet.

This is a textbook for undergraduates, medical students and graduates describing all the details of human reproduction. It is also the only up-to-date book on the market. Having examined a total 70 books on human reproduction, obstetrics and gynecology, they all, with no exceptions, include mostly out-of-date science. This is corrected in this book. This book is also a monograph for reproductive biology scientists, covering all the most recent findings in this field. It can also be sold as a general obstetrics and gynecology information source for use by physicians, the general public and in libraries. This is a unique one-of-a-kind reference on human reproduction. (Imprint: Nova Biomedical )


Table of Contents

Table of Contents



Chapter 1: Structure and Function of Glycopeptins

Chapter 2: Evolution of Glycopeptins

Chapter 3: Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) and Inhibins, Regulators of Glycopeptins

The Ovary and Female Reproduction

Chapter 4: Estrogens, Progestogens and Androgens

Chapter 5: Follicular Growth and Selection, Ovulation and Luteinization

Chapter 6: Putting Everything Together: The Menstrual Cycle

Chapter 7: Ovarian Cystic Disorders

Chapter 8: Contraception

The Testes and Male Reproduction

Chapter 9: Male Steroidogenesis

Chapter 10: Sperm Production and Seminal Fluids

Chapter 11: Erection and Ejaculation

Chapter 12: Coitus

Conception, Sex and Fertility

Chapter 13: Sex and the Brain

Chapter 14: Fertility and Infertility

Chapter 15: Sexuality, Heterosexuality and Homosexuality

Chapter 16: Sperm Activation

Chapter 17: Fertilization and Blastocyst Formation

Chapter 18: Hydatidiform Mole


Chapter 19: Implantation and Pregnancy Failure

Chapter 20: Placental Function: Hemochorial Placentation

Chapter 21: The Hormones of Pregnancy

Chapter 22: Fetal Gender and Gonadal Development

Chapter 23: Parturition

Chapter 24: Perinatal Complications of Pregnancy

Chapter 25: Mammary Gland and Breast Feeding

Chapter 26: Monosomies, Trisomies, Triploidies and other Genetic Abnormalities


Chapter 27: Adrenarche and Menarche in Girls

Chapter 28: Adrenarche and Puberty in Boys


Chapter 29: Perimenopause and Menopause

Chapter 30: Managing Menopause

Infections of the Reproductive Tract

Chapter 31: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Infections of the Reproductive Tract, and Endometriosis

Chapter 32: Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Malignancies of the Reproductive Tract

Chapter 33: Hormones, Familial Factors and Breast Cancer

Chapter 34: Cervical, Ovarian and Endometrial Neoplasms

Chapter 35: Hormones and Testicular and Prostate Malignancies


Chapter 36: Ethics, Morals and Much More



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