The Institution of Hukou-based Social Exclusion in Contemporary China and Strategies of Multinationals: An Institutional Analysis


Series: Business Issues, Competition and Entrepreneurship
BISAC: BUS035000

From the early 1980s, China entered into an age of rural-urban migration. Millions of farmers have flooded into cities and towns for work and significantly reshaped the character of Chinese society.

This book is the first to examine the social exclusion of rural migrant workers from the perspective of institutionalism. It integrates several disciplinary areas – institutionalism, international business and HRM — in one study through combining both the process and variance approaches. It contributes to the literature of institutionalism and institutional analysis, as well as the scarce research on the strategic responses of MNEs to the institutional characteristics of host countries at the subsidiary level. The findings of this study have implications for HRM research, workforce diversity management, MNEs’ legitimacy management and the improvement of employment governance in China. (Imprint: Nova)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Figures


About the Author


Chapter 1. Overview of the Book

Chapter 2. The Nature of Institutions, Institutional Theories and Institutional Analysis

Chapter 3. An Institutional Analysis of IHSE

Chapter 4. Strategies of Multinational Enterprises Toward IHSE

Chapter 5. Methodology and Research Design

Chapter 6. IHSE in Jiangsu and Shanghai

Chapter 7. The Strategies of MNEs towards IHSE: The Case of Eight MNE Subsidiaries in Jiangsu and Shanghai

Chapter 8. Survey Findings of the Strategies of MNE Subsidiaries toward IHSE

Chapter 9. Concluding Remarks: Deinstitutionalizing IHSE



Glossary of Terms



“This book by Dr. Mike Zhang identifies and documents a unique institution which has shaped the character of modern Chinese society. It is an invaluable resource for those who want to better understand contemporary urban China.” – Peter J. Dowling, PhD, Professor of International Management & Strategy, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia

“A remarkable book full of information and insight, painting a vivid picture of how a new institution has emerged and functioned and guiding us to understand contemporary China alive with paradoxes.” – Cherrie Jiuhua Zhu, PhD, Professor of Human Resource Management & Chinese Studies, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

“An exuberant book, rich with insights and helpful for understanding contemporary China.” -David Di Fan, PhD, Associate Professor of International Business, Curtain University, Perth, Australia


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