Financial Crises: Types, Causes and Consequences


Series: Economic Issues, Problems and Perspectives;
BISAC: BUS027000

While the world is witnessing a new wave of financial slowdown and great recession due to the coronavirus pandemic, the understanding of financial crises has not been complete. The contributors of this book look into financial crises from economic, legal, political science, social science lens with the aim of understanding the types, causes, consequences and impacts of financial crises in a comprehensive way. More importantly, the authors investigate regulatory responses, regulatory effectiveness, regulatory responses by applying a variety of approaches and methodologies through the study of financial, corporate, business, healthcare, capital market, banking sectors. This is a timely contribution to our understanding of financial crises and preparation for the next financial recession on the horizon.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. The (Im)morals of Financial Markets: A (Pre)cautionary Look Back to the Global Financial Crisis
(Ezra Wasserman Mitchell, International Law School, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai, China)

Chapter 2. Causes and Costs of U.S. Financial Crisis: Moral Hazards and Recidivist Financial Institutions
(Joel Slawotsky, Professor of Law, Harry Radzyner Law School, Israel)

Chapter 3. Complexity in Financial Crises
(Arturo Rodríguez Castellanos and Nerea San-Martín-Albizuri, Family Enterprise Chair, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Bilbao, Spain, and others)

Chapter 4. The 2008 Financial Crisis Revisited: Risks and Responses
(Thomas H. Stanton, Center for Advanced Governmental Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC, US)

Chapter 5. Neo-Austrian Views of the Global Financial Crisis and Its Aftermath: A Non-exhaustive Overview
(Karl Farmer and Laurie Conway, University of Graz, Graz, Austria, and others)

Chapter 6. The Transitional Dynamic of Finance Led Growth
(Weshah A. Razzak and El Mostafa Bentour, School of Economics and Finance, Massey University, New Zealand, and others)

Chapter 7. Impact of Cognitive Abilities on Direct and Indirect Stock Market Participation before and after Crisis
(Monomita Nandy, Suman Lodh and Jaskaran Kaur, Brunel Business School, Brunel University, Uxbridge, England, and others)

Chapter 8. The Effect of Financial Crisis on the Relationship between Intellectual Capital and Financial Performance in the European Context
(Filipe Sardo and Zélia Serrasqueiro, Department of Economics and Management, Portucalense University, Porto, Portugal, and others)

Chapter 9. Theorizing Corporate Governance after the Financial Crisis: Towards Ethical and Relational Governance Theories
(Aliza D. Racelis, Department of Business Administration, University of the Philippines, Quezon City, Philippines)

Chapter 10. Internal Demarketing amongst Organisations Emerging from Financial Crises
(David M. Brown, PhD, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, England)

Chapter 11. Cross-Border Insolvency Law and Practice of Financial Institutions in the Aftermath of Global Financial Crisis
(Shuai Guo, Leiden Law School, Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands)

Chapter 12. The Impact of the Financial Crisis in Healthcare Sector: Lessons Learned from Six European Countries after the Crisis of 2007
(Enkeleint A. Mechili, Department of Healthcare, Faculty of Public Health, University of Vlora, Vlora, Albania, and others)

Chapter 13. Shadow Banking Risks in China: Outcome of the Market or Regulations?
(Li Guo and Daile Xia, Law School, Peking University, Beijing, China, and others)

Chapter 14. The 2015 Stock Panic: Stoke Market, Finance and Regulation in China
(Junhui Qian and Wei Shen, Professor of Economics, Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, and others)

Chapter 15. Stock Market as a Solution for Illiquidity in the Aftermath of Financial Crisis – China’s Securities Regulation and New Securities Law
(Xiaochen Zhang and Shen Wei, Corporate Law and Investment Protection Institution, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, China, and others)


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