Table of Contents
Dedication and Acknowledgments
Editorial Foreword: Overview, Perspectives, and Themes for Global Organizational Science Research
Part I: Introduction, Research and Conceptual Frame
Chapter 1. Global Organizational Science: A New Reality for World-Class Organizations – Twilight of Dawn or of Evening?
(Adebowale Akande and Titilola Akande – IR Research GLOBE CrossCul, Vancouver, Canada, et al.)
Chapter 2. Research Methods in the Organizational Sciences
(Pamela L. Perrewé and Gerald R. Ferris – Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA)
Chapter 3. The Interplay of Philosophy of Science, Statistics, and Storytelling
(David M. Boje – Professor Emeritus NMSU College of Business, 1320 E University Ave, Las Cruces, NM, USA)
Chapter 4. Personal Reflections on Cross-Cultural Research
(Robert R. McCrae – Gloucester, Massachusetts, USA)
Chapter 5. Xenophobia in the United States: Structural Drivers
(Natsu Taylor Saito – Georgia State University College of Law, Atlanta, Georgia, USA)
Part II. Core Paradigms and Theoretical Integration
Chapter 6. Thirty Years and Growing: Review and Identification of Theory/Research Challenges in Perceptions of Organizational Politics
(Liam P. Maher, Asqa Ejaz, Samantha L. Jordan, Wayne A. Hochwarter, and Gerald R. Ferris – Department of Management, Boise State University, Boise, ID, USA, et al.)
Chapter 7. Monetary Wisdom: From the Holy Bible to a Global Theory of Organization Science
(Thomas Li-Ping Tang – Department of Management, Jennings A. Jones College of Business, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN, USA)
Chapter 8. The Pandemic Political and Social Bill
(José Filipe Pinto – Department of Political Science, Security, and International Relations, Lusophone University of Humanities and Technologies, Lisbon, Portugal)
Chapter 9. Crafting Inspirational, Memorable, and Practical Theories: The Lessons of The Last Supper
(Thomas Li-Ping Tang – Department of Management, Jennings A. Jones College of Business, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN, USA)
Chapter 10. Critical Analysis of New Themes and Trends of SHRM in the Perspective of Business Ethics and Philosophy of Management
(Jacob Dahl Rendtorff – Roskilde University, Denmark)
Part III: Power, Politics, Leadership, and Influence Processes
Chapter 11. Psychological Need Strength and Work Motivation as Sequential Mediators in the Perceived Organizational Politics – Job Performance Relationship
(Aqsa Ejaz, Delphine Lacaze, Liam P. Maher, Gerald R. Ferris – Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA, et al.)
Chapter 12. The Jerk Whisperer: The Interactive Effects of Abusive Supervision, Self-Control, and Supervisor Performance on Subordinate – Supervisor Social Exchange Quality
(Jack E. Carson, Jeremy D. Mackey, Charn P. McAllister, and Michael A. Phillipich – Appalachian State University, USA, et al.)
Chapter 13. Attenuating the Negative Effects of Abusive Supervision: Resilience in the Face of Adversity and Punishment to Dissuade Deviance
(Rachel E. Frieder, Jeremy D. Mackey, Pamela L. Perrewé – University of North Florida, USA, et al.)
Chapter 14. Leadership Styles – Employee Upward Influence Tactics Relationships: Testing the Moderating Effects of Political Skill and Organizational Politics Perceptions
(Aqsa Ejaz, Samina Quratulain, Gerald R. Ferris, Wayne A. Hochwarter and Abdul Karim Khan – Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA, et al.)
Chapter 15. Moderating Effects of Leader Narcissism on the Relationships Between Leader Political Skill and Follower LMX and Affective Commitment
(Darren C. Treadway, Stephanie R. Seitz, Ning Xu, Wayne A. Hochwarter, Gerald R. Ferris, M. Ronald Buckley – Daemen College, USA ,et al.)
Chapter 16. Linking Psychological Capital to Ambidexterity: Does Leadership Perception Matter?
(Elif Semra Tulum, and Deniz Kantur – Department of Business Administration, Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey)
Chapter 17. The Role of Family Ownership and Control Over the Organizational Political Environment: The Importance of Political Skill for Top Management Team Members
(Gonzalo Molina-Sieiro – Department of Management, Florida State University, Tallahasse, USA)
Chapter 18. Leveraging Social Media to Enable Leadership during Crises: Linking Treat Leader Behaviors and BOAT Leader Attributes
(Ananya Syal and Vishal Gupta – Organizational Behavior Area, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India, et al.)
Chapter 19. Leadership Style Differences Between North American and Indian Immigrants: A Cross-Cultural Comparative Analysis
(Raushan Gross and Emilyn Cabanda – Pfeiffer University, USA, et al.)
Chapter 20. Motivation to Engage in Distributed Leadership: An Agenda for Future Research
(Ajay K Jain – Management Development Institute Gurgaon, Sukhrali, Gurugram, India)
Chapter 21. Discourse, the Longue Durée, and Regional Identity: Why Regions Fragment into States but only Europe Re-Integrates, Contentiously
(Richard D. Anderson, Jr. – University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
Part IV: Emotional Climate and Organizational Context
Chapter 22. Creative Team Networks and Innovation Outcomes: The Effects of Context and Team Socio-Structural Factors in Creative Industries
(Cinthia B. Satornino, Michael K. Brady, Charles Hofacker, Michael Brusco and Gerald R. Ferris – University of Connecticut, USA, et al.)
Chapter 23. The Role of Emotional Exhaustion, Vigor, and Negative Affectivity in the Abusive Supervision – Work Outcomes Relationships
(Joshua C. Palmer, Samantha L. Jordan, Wayne A. Hochwarter and Pamela L. Perrewé – Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA, et al.)
Chapter 24. Social Class, Gender and Working Status as Determinants of Stereotype Content in Two Cultures
(S. Gokce Gungor Munoz, Diane Sunar, Bilge Ataca and Todd D. Little – Everett Community College, WA, USA, et al.)
Chapter 25. Remembering Together: Individual and Social Aspects of Collective Memory
(Anderson Mathias, Darío Páez, Nekane Basabe and José J. Pizarro – Department of Social Psychology, University of the Basque Country, Spain)
Chapter 26. The Relationship between HRM and TQM Practices among Egyptian Employees
(Ghada El-Kot, Mike Leat and Ronald Burke – Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Alexandria, Egypt, et al.)
Chapter 27. On the Primacy of Emotion: “The Order of Things” – From Aristotle, James, Darwin, Tomkins, to Ekman, Izard…. Boyle, and Akande
(Adebowale Akande, Modupe Adewuyi, Titilola Akande and K.A. Williams – IR Research GLOBE CrossCul, Vancouver, Canada, et al.)
Chapter 28. From Myself to Ourselves: Self-Transcendent Emotions, Collective Gatherings and Rituals
(José J. Pizarro, Darío Páez, Nekane Basabe, Anderson Mathias – Department of Social Psychology, University of the Basque Country, Spain)
Chapter 29. Diagnosing the Emotional Climate of an Organization
(Gulcimen Yurtsever – Business Department, Usak University, Usak, Turkey)
Chapter 30. Perceived Control and Prejudice with Respect to Hiring, Sacking and Outgroup Derogation
(May Huang, Qin Hu, Kate Fahey, Damian Scarf and John A. Hunter – Department of Psychology, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand)
Chapter 31. Control, and Ingroup Favoritism: When Evaluating MĀORI and Non-MĀORI Job Applicants
(Hitaua Arahanga-Doyle, Mele Taumoepeau, Tia Neha, Damian Scarf and John A. Hunter – University of Otago, Department of Psychology, New Zealand)
Part IV: Epilogue and Future Issues and Directions
Chapter 32. Conclusions and Some Future Directions for Global Organizational Science Research
(Gerald R. Ferris and Pamela L. Perrewé – Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA)
List of Contributors
About the Editors
“Early organizational research was rooted in studies in Great Britain and the U.S. In a short time, we found our knowledge base regarding organizations was rooted almost entirely in US culture and organizations. This led to a sense that our understanding of organizations was very much culture bound. While the world kept getting smaller, our foundations remained the same with little to inform us regarding the viability of our understanding outside U.S. borders. Indeed, there has been an increasing effort in recent times to rectify the issue, however global organizational research is extremely difficult. Language, cultural, economic, and legal differences can create substantial hurdles. This can easily produce contrasts of phenomena that may be labelled the same but are substantively different. Although a useful starting place, global research was often reduced to comparative studies across national boundaries. It is encouraging to witness scholars’ persistence in chipping away at the obstacles and boundaries, and now we find more editions such as this volume that are increasingly digging deeper into basic human, cultural, and organizational characteristics, and presenting them in a fashion that has potential to exert a lasting and indelible effect on global organizational theory, research, and practice. This volume (Emerging Trends in Global Organizational Science Phenomena: Critical Roles of Politics, Leadership, Stress, and Context, edited by Ferris, Perrewé, & Akande) includes 32 original chapters designed to expand our understanding of global organizational science research. Indeed, this volume identifies some critically important issues and results, and leads scholars in some useful and productive new directions for the future. I congratulate the host of global contributors on a notable effort.” -Dwight D. Frink, Professor of Management, University of Mississippi, USA
“General readers, managers, practitioners, students, and academics around the world need to see “Emerging Trends In Global Organizational Science Phenomena: Critical Roles of Politics, Leadership, Stress, and Context”. With several dozen contributors from many nations, peoples and places, this book will become a classic that unites several emerging trends in global organizational sciences. Politics and leadership stand out as vital subjects that will be capturing more attention as the 21st century continues. Personal reflections are especially welcome because we all share these experiences.” – Dr. Bruce E. Johansen, Frederick W. Kayser University Research Professor, Emeritus, Communication and Native American Studies, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA