Collaborative Learning: Developments in Research and Practice


Series: Education in a Competitive and Globalizing World
BISAC: EDU050000

Collaborative learning is well recognised as a pedagogical practice that promotes socialisation and learning among students from kindergarten to the university level and beyond. Children, adolescents, and adults learn from each other in a vast array of formal and informal settings in schools and the wider community. This book brings together a diverse range of international scholars to profile new pedagogical developments in collaborative learning and to highlight how these practices have been implemented. The term collaborative learning is used very broadly in this volume and includes cooperative learning, peer learning, and peer collaboration.

The proponents of these practices argue that by working together, students have many opportunities to learn and develop a greater understanding of others with diverse social, personal, and academic competencies. The emphasis in this volume is on chapters that have a strong evidence-base for the work that is presented. This includes chapters that present empirical studies, research reviews, case studies and theoretical reviews because there is much to be gained by sharing and learning about what happens and how different pedagogical practices have been implemented. These chapters include pedagogical practices in mathematics learning, classroom-based talk, literacy, learning processes, group work, pre-service teacher education, teacher professional development, web-based technologies, and affective education and development.

This book will have appeal to pre-service and experienced teachers who are interested in how different collaborative pedagogies can be embedded in different curricula to promote student engagement with learning. It will also be valuable as a reference text in post-graduate courses that focus on research training in education. (Imprint: Nova)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Developments in Collaborative Learning
Robyn M. Gillies (The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia)

Chapter 2. Theoretical Approaches to Cooperative Learning
David W. Johnson and Roger T. Johnson (University of Minnesota, Minnesota, USA)

Chapter 3. Student Participation, Teacher Instructional Practices, and the Development of Mathematical Understanding in the Elementary Classroom
Noreen M. Webb, Megan L. Franke, Marsha Ing, Angela C. Turrou and Nicholas C. Johnson (University of California, Los Angeles, USA, and University of California, Riverside, USA)

Chapter 4. Collaboration Using Philosophy for Children
Steven Trickey and Keith Topping (American University, Washington DC, USA, and University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland)

Chapter 5. Monitoring Student Collaboration in Classroom Contexts: Towards a Process-Oriented Approach
Christine Howe (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)

Chapter 6. Creating a Classroom Community: Beliefs and Practices of High Expectation Teachers
Christine M. Rubie-Davies (The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand)

Chapter 7. Developing Effective Group Work in Classrooms: A Relational Approach within a Culturally Appropriate Pedagogy
Peter Kutnick (Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)

Chapter 8. Academic Talk in the Collaborative Classroom
Robyn M. Gillies (The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia)

Chapter 9. Developing Communities of Practice in Cooperative Learning (CoPCL) through Lesson Study
Christine Kim-Eng Lee (National Institute of Education, Singapore)

Chapter 10. Developing Cooperative Learning Pedagogy in Initial Teacher Education
Wendy Jolliffe (University of Hull, Hull, United Kingdom)

Chapter 11. Cooperative Learning and Social Skills Development
Céline Buchs and Fabrizio Butera (University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, and University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland)

Chapter 12. Improving Fidelity to Treatment during Randomised Controlled Trials in Schools by Engaging Teachers in the Design Process during a Developmental Study
Maria Cockerill and Allen Thurston (Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland)

Chapter 13. Cooperative Behaviour and Reading Comprehension Strategy Use in Small Group Reading Activities
Christina E. van Kraayenoord and Sandy Muspratt (The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia)

Chapter 14. Assessing the Potential of Web 2.0 Technologies for Supporting Collaborative Learning in Higher Education in Formal and Informal Learning Environments
Stephen M. Rutherford, Sumit Mistry and Jonathan L. Scott (Cardiff University, Wales, United Kingdom)

Chapter 15. Cooperative Learning in University Education: An Analysis of the Effects of the Relationships of Collaboration, Cooperation and Peer-Tutoring Upon Academic Performance
Rosa Maria Pons and José Manuel Serrano (University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain)

Chapter 16. Creating and Strengthening a Positive Mindset for Cooperative Learning through the S3 Model of Yoga and Spirituality
Lalita Agashe (Maharshi Vinod Research Foundation, Pune, India)



Audience: Students in education and psychology programs; postgraduate students and academics in education and psychology; and teachers, school counselors and school psychologists.

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