Radioanalytical Methods for Radionuclides in Water


Editor: Samuel E. Baker
Series: Environmental Science, Engineering and Technology

This book focuses on the analysis of water samples that may have been contaminated as a result of a radiological or nuclear event, such as a radiological dispersion device (RDD), improvised nuclear device (IND), or an intentional release of radioactive materials into a drinking water supply. In the event of a major incident that releases radioactive materials to the environment, the EPA will turn to selected radioanalytical laboratories to support its response and recovery activities. During all phases of an incident response, radioanalytical resources are needed for identifying the radionuclide source terms, quantification of the radionuclides in a variety of media, and the gross radiation screening of samples for prioritization of sample processing or for information related to the general level of contamination

Table of Contents


Radiological Laboratory Sample Analysis Guide for Incidents of National Significance – Radionuclides in Water
(U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)

Rapid Radiochemical Methods for Selected Radionuclides in Water for Environmental Restoration Following Homeland Security Events
(U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)


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