Table of Contents
Table of Contents
About the Book Contributors pp,vii-xii
Introduction: Strong Headwinds;pp. 1-5
(J. Peter Rothe and Linda J. Carroll, University of Alberta, Canada)
Section I: Knowledge as Symbolic Universe in Community Development;pp. 7-8
1. Social Frames of Knowledge as Barriers and Stumbling Blocks;pp. 9-21
(J. Peter Rothe, University of Alberta, Canada)
2. A Holistic Framework for Seeking Knowledge in Community Development: The Complementarity of Looking In and Looking At;pp. 23-36
(Linda J. Carroll and J. Peter Rothe, University of Alberta, Canada)
3. Respecting Oral Tradition: Sharing Circles for Indigenous People;pp. 37-46
(Peter Rothe, Linda Carroll and Dejan Ozegovic, University of Alberta, Canada)
Section II: Shifting Social Sands and Community Development;pp. 47-48
4. Accelerated Social Change: Impacts on Community Development;pp. 49-60
(David Matarrita-Cascante, Texas A & M University, USA)
5. Including Voices of the Excluded: Lessons from Buffalo, NY;pp. 61-86
(Robert Mark Silverman, Kelly L. Patterson, Henry L. Taylor, Jr., University at Buffalo, USA)
6. Community Work Today: Contested Rationalities, Competing Practices;pp. 87-99
(Mae Shaw, University of Edinburgh, UK)
7. Enhancing Community Development Through Empowerment of Women;pp. 101-115
(Paulette A. Meikle, Delta State University & A. E. Luloff, Penn State University, USA)
Section III: Shadows and Dark Hallways;pp. 117
8. Resilience and Coping: “I” Concerns or “We” Concerns? Falling Through the Community Development Cracks;pp. 119-132
(Linda J. Carroll, University of Alberta, Canada)
9. Where Are the Quail at Quail Run? How Labelling Creates Paradoxes for Community Development;pp. 133-148
(Jeffrey Nash, University of Arkansas, USA)
Section IV: Embedded Political and Ethical Implications Of Community Development;pp. 149-150
10. Karl Polanyi and the Community Development Movement: The Local Politics of Embeddedness;pp. 151-173
(L. Owen Kirkpatrick, University of California, Davis, USA)
11. A Tale of Two Community Development Projects: Community Engagement, Local Knowledge and Power Relations;pp. 175-186
(Linje Manyozo, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK)
12. Community and Community Development: The Strange History of My Father and Why it Matters;pp. 187-210
(David MacGregor, University of Western Ontario, Canada)
13. Professionals, Community and the Changing Culture of Care;pp. 211-231
(Vincent Hanlon & Teresa Elder Hanlon, Lethbridge, Canada)
Section V: Economics, Corporate Interests and Marketing Community Development;pp. 233-234
14. Risk Management—In the Insurance Market’s Slipstream;pp. 235-247
(Fiona Verity, Flinders University of South Australia, Australia)
15. Hybrid Forms of Civic Participation in Neighborhood Redevelopment;pp. 249-264
(Csilla Weninger, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore & James Fraser, Vanderbilt University, USA)
16. The Case of Volunteerism: Fine Wine or Stale Vinegar;pp. 265-276
(J. Peter Rothe, University of Alberta, Canada)
17. Certified Community Development? Local Participation in Corporate Governance;pp. 277-288
(Laureen Elgert, London School of Economics, UK)
Section VI: Faith-Based Community Development;pp. 289
18. Faith-Based Involvement in Community Development;pp. 291-302
(Mark Harden, Bethel University, USA)
19. Conclusion: Our Reach Should Exceed Our Grasp;pp. 303-308
(Linda J. Carroll and J. Peter Rothe, University of Alberta, Canada)
Index pp,311-314