Deliberations in Community Development: Balancing on the Edge


J. Peter Rothe (Editor)
Linda J. Carroll (Editor)
Dejan Ozegovic (Editor)

Series: Social Issues, Justice and Status

Community development has become the new buzz in the social and health sciences. Although community development has been an important subject for deliberation and study for several decades, within the past ten years or so it has become politically correct and even fashionable to include mention of community development in government parlance, economic planning, social work, public health debates and liberal arts discourse.

Whereas most texts on community development make only brief reference to the importance of theory, thereafter quickly dispensing with it, in this book, the approach taken to community development positions itself against that trend. The issues raised in the chapters of this book offer us alternative ways of looking at the familiar. This book inform us that community development is a complex conundrum of definitions, ideas, ideologies, interests, data, participants and locations. (Imprint: Nova)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

About the Book Contributors pp,vii-xii

Introduction: Strong Headwinds;pp. 1-5
(J. Peter Rothe and Linda J. Carroll, University of Alberta, Canada)

Section I: Knowledge as Symbolic Universe in Community Development;pp. 7-8

1. Social Frames of Knowledge as Barriers and Stumbling Blocks;pp. 9-21
(J. Peter Rothe, University of Alberta, Canada)

2. A Holistic Framework for Seeking Knowledge in Community Development: The Complementarity of Looking In and Looking At;pp. 23-36
(Linda J. Carroll and J. Peter Rothe, University of Alberta, Canada)

3. Respecting Oral Tradition: Sharing Circles for Indigenous People;pp. 37-46
(Peter Rothe, Linda Carroll and Dejan Ozegovic, University of Alberta, Canada)

Section II: Shifting Social Sands and Community Development;pp. 47-48

4. Accelerated Social Change: Impacts on Community Development;pp. 49-60
(David Matarrita-Cascante, Texas A & M University, USA)

5. Including Voices of the Excluded: Lessons from Buffalo, NY;pp. 61-86
(Robert Mark Silverman, Kelly L. Patterson, Henry L. Taylor, Jr., University at Buffalo, USA)

6. Community Work Today: Contested Rationalities, Competing Practices;pp. 87-99
(Mae Shaw, University of Edinburgh, UK)

7. Enhancing Community Development Through Empowerment of Women;pp. 101-115
(Paulette A. Meikle, Delta State University & A. E. Luloff, Penn State University, USA)

Section III: Shadows and Dark Hallways;pp. 117

8. Resilience and Coping: “I” Concerns or “We” Concerns? Falling Through the Community Development Cracks;pp. 119-132
(Linda J. Carroll, University of Alberta, Canada)

9. Where Are the Quail at Quail Run? How Labelling Creates Paradoxes for Community Development;pp. 133-148
(Jeffrey Nash, University of Arkansas, USA)

Section IV: Embedded Political and Ethical Implications Of Community Development;pp. 149-150

10. Karl Polanyi and the Community Development Movement: The Local Politics of Embeddedness;pp. 151-173
(L. Owen Kirkpatrick, University of California, Davis, USA)

11. A Tale of Two Community Development Projects: Community Engagement, Local Knowledge and Power Relations;pp. 175-186
(Linje Manyozo, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK)

12. Community and Community Development: The Strange History of My Father and Why it Matters;pp. 187-210
(David MacGregor, University of Western Ontario, Canada)

13. Professionals, Community and the Changing Culture of Care;pp. 211-231
(Vincent Hanlon & Teresa Elder Hanlon, Lethbridge, Canada)

Section V: Economics, Corporate Interests and Marketing Community Development;pp. 233-234

14. Risk Management—In the Insurance Market’s Slipstream;pp. 235-247
(Fiona Verity, Flinders University of South Australia, Australia)

15. Hybrid Forms of Civic Participation in Neighborhood Redevelopment;pp. 249-264
(Csilla Weninger, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore & James Fraser, Vanderbilt University, USA)

16. The Case of Volunteerism: Fine Wine or Stale Vinegar;pp. 265-276
(J. Peter Rothe, University of Alberta, Canada)

17. Certified Community Development? Local Participation in Corporate Governance;pp. 277-288
(Laureen Elgert, London School of Economics, UK)

Section VI: Faith-Based Community Development;pp. 289

18. Faith-Based Involvement in Community Development;pp. 291-302
(Mark Harden, Bethel University, USA)

19. Conclusion: Our Reach Should Exceed Our Grasp;pp. 303-308
(Linda J. Carroll and J. Peter Rothe, University of Alberta, Canada)

Index pp,311-314

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