Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Individual Differences in Complex Cognitive Processes are not only the Domain of Working Memory
(Christopher A. Was & Dale A. Hirsch, Kent State University, Kent, OH, USA)
Chapter 2
Individual Differences in Health Outcomes: Accounting for Two Sources of Variation Through Cross-Classified Multilevel Models
(Patrick Coulombe, Jacob M. Vigil, and Edna Hernandez, University of New Mexico, NM, USA)
Chapter 3
Elucidation of Individual Differences in the Psychological Effects of a Forest Environment
(Chorong Song, Harumi Ikei, Takahide Kagawa, and Yoshifumi Miyazaki, Center for Environment, Health and Field Sciences, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan, and others)
Chapter 4
Individual Differences in Education Outcomes: Applying a Model of Mental Toughness
(Sarah P. McGeown, Helen St. Clair-Thompson, Dave Putwain and Peter Clough, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, and others)
Chapter 5
Non-Criminal Psychopathy and the Electrodermal Response: Gender Differences in Self-Report and Psychophysiological Arousal
(Mehmet K. Mahmut, Richard J. Stevenson and Judi Homewood, Department of Psychology, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia)
Chapter 6
Associations Between the Big Five Personality Traits and Social Physique Anxiety in Adult Women
(Viren Swami, and Adrian Furnham, Department of Psychology, University of Westminster, London, UK, and others)
Chapter 7
Validating the OCEAN.20 Occupational Personality Questionnaire
(Damian F. O’Keefe, Wendy Darr, E. Kevin Kelloway, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Canada, and others)