Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Enabling Transition to Online Teaching during COVID-19 through a Peer-Supported Collaborative Environment
(Bowen Yang, Zainurul Abd Rahman, Joannette Bos and David Robertson – Monash Sustainable Development Institute, Monash University, Australia)
Chapter 2. Towards a Digital Pedagogy of Inclusive Active Distance Learning
(Helen Caldwell, Emma Whewell, Cristina Devecchi, Mary Quirke, & Conor McGukin – University of Northampton, UK, et al.)
Chapter 3. Staying Connected: Minimizing Isolation and Building Learning Communities via Chatbot Technology
(Sylvie Studente – Regent’s University London, United Kingdom)
Chapter 4. Designing and Delivering Online Education: One Size Does Not Fit All
(Filia Garivaldis, Mark Boulet, Bowen Yang & Sarah Kneebone – Monash Sustainable Development Institute, Monash University, Victoria, Australia)
Chapter 5. The Effect of Mitigation Strategies on University Students’ Mental Health and Wellbeing: A Review of Preliminary Studies
(Sylvie Studente, Stephen Ellis & Bhavini Desai – Regent’s University London, United Kingdom)
Chapter 6. Wellbeing in the Time of COVID
(Stephen McKenzie, Michelle Jongenelis & Litza Kiropoulos – School of Psychological Sciences, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia)
Chapter 7. Examination of the Future for Lectures and Seminars for Students – In Business Modules, in the 21st Century
(Philip Mayer – Lecturer, Oxford Business College, Oxford, UK)
Chapter 8. How has COVID-19 Shifted How We Support, Recognise and Measure Student Engagement?
(Rachel Bassett-Dubsky – Faculty of Health, Education and Society, University of Northampton, UK)
Chapter 9. The impact of COVID-19 on Student Engagement and Experience
(Bhavini Desai – Regent’s University London, United Kingdom)
Chapter 10. Summing Up the Impact of COVID-19 on Student Experience and Expectations
(Stephen Ellis – Regent’s University London, London, UK)