Renal Failure: Prevention, Causes and Treatment


Colin Andrew Hutchison (Editor)
Senior Research Fellow and Honorary Consultant
Renal Institute of Birmingham, University Hospital Birmingham and University of Birmingham

Series: Renal, Metabolic and Urologic Disorders, Nephrology Research and Clinical Developments
BISAC: MED088000

Kidney failure represents a major health economic burden for all people and all nations. Despite the immense number of factors which can cause the initial injury to the kidneys, common response pathways are triggered which, unless broken, will ultimately lead to irreversible fibrosis within the kidneys. Unfortunately, early injuries to the kidneys can frequently be asymptomatic and chronic kidney disease has often developed before the patient has become aware there is a problem. Once established, chronic kidney disease is associated with a high morbidity and mortality for those affected. There has been a large amount of work in recent years focused on the early diagnosis and management of kidney disease to prevent its progression.

The purpose of this book is to review the mechanisms which underlie both acute and chronic kidney injury, discuss their diagnosis, complications and management. The first section of this book covers the causes and complications of chronic kidney disease. Initially we review the mechanisms which underlie the progressive fibrosis by which chronic kidney disease progresses. There are then detailed discussions of the cardiovascular complications of chronic kidney disease.
The second section of the book focuses on established end stage renal disease. Reviewing access to renal replacement therapies across ethnicities, the role of home therapies and how their use can be increased and finally we discuss the preparation and maintenance of access for dialysis.

The third and final section of the book provides an update for the clinician into the diagnosis and management of acute kidney injury. Specifically the diagnosis and management of renal impairment in patients with plasma cell dyscrasias is reviewed and the prevention of acute kidney injury in the critically ill patient is discussed in detail. (Imprint: Nova Biomedical )

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Progressive Interstitial Fibrosis in Chronic Kidney Disease
(Stuart W. Smith, Wellcome Trust Clinical Training Fellow (Nephrology), Renal Research Group, University of Birmingham, UK)

Chapter 2. Cardiovascular Disease in the Chronic Kidney Disease Population – Burden, Pathophysiology and End-Organ Manifestations
(Magid A. Fahim and Carmel M. Hawley, Department of Nephrology, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Australia, and others)

Chapter 3. Protective Effect of Ozone Therapy in Renal Damage
(José Luis Calunga and Silvia Menéndez, Ozone Research Center, National Center for Scientific Research, Havana City, Cuba)

Chapter 4. South Asian Ethnicity and Renal Replacement Therapy
(Adnan Sharif, Renal Institute of Birmingham, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, UK)

Chapter 5. Progress in Home Dialysis
(Sandip Mitra and Anuradha Jayanti, Department of Nephrology,
Manchester Institute of Nephrology and Transplantation, Central Manchester Foundation Hospital Trusts, Oxford Road, Manchester, UK)

Chapter 6. Planning and Maintaining Functional Vascular Access in a Haemodialysis Population
(Kevan R. Polkinghorne, Magid A. Fahim, Nirosha Gunatillake and Carmel M. Hawley, Department of Nephrology, Monash Medical Centre, Victoria, Australia, and others)

Chapter 7. Cardiac Swinging Calcified Amorphous Tumors (SCAT) and Stroke in End-Stage Renal Failure
(Hiroshi Kubota, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Kyorin University, Tokyo, Japan)
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Chapter 8. Assessment of Monoclonal Proteins in Patients with Renal Diseases: New Methods and Their Clinical Utility
(Ellen Jenner and Colin Hutchison, The Binding Site Group Ltd + University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK)

Chapter 9. Prevention of Acute Kidney Injury in Critically Ill Patients
(Marlies Ostermann, King’s College London, Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK)

Chapter 10. Renal Failure: Causes
(Christos Paliouras, Nephrology Department, General Hospital of Rhodes, Rhodes, Greece)

Chapter 11. Renal Failure: Prevention
(Georgios Aperis, Nephrology Department, General Hospital of Rhodes,
Rhodes, Greece)

Chapter 12. Acute Renal Failure: Treatment
(Polichronis Alivanis and Eirini Tsampikaki, Nephrology Department, General Hospital of Rhodes, Rhodes, Greece)


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