Urban Developments in Brazil and Portugal


Márcio Moraes Valença
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil

Fernanda Cravidão
Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal

José Alberto Rio Fernandes
Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal

Series: Urban Development and Infrastructure
BISAC: SOC026030

Several themes and perspectives are reunited under this collection of texts about urban developments in the Portuguese-speaking worlds of Brazil and Portugal. As each analyst tends to have a particular view on what the concept should refer to, the meaning attributed to the word ‘development’ in this book is also diverse. This is one of the reasons why it is written in its plural form: ‘developments’.

The concept (or the word) is here used openly so that all efforts to define it are provisory, partial and elusive, considering the various national, regional, linguistic and scientific meanings pertaining to correlated facts and processes and according to the geo-historical context in which the term is used. In the title, the idea of ‘urban developments’ is also used to indicate evolution or novelty. The book is dedicated to discussing state-of-the-art urban research in Brazil and Portugal. (Imprint: Nova)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Urban Developments in Brazil and Portugal – An Introduction
(The Editors)pp,1-4

Urban Planning

1. Globalization and Urban Policy in the Periphery of Capitalism
(Erminia Maricato, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo
Universidade de São Paulo) pp,5-24

2. Urban Adjustment: World Bank and IDB Policies for Cities
(Pedro Fiori Arantes, USINA)pp,25-34

3. A Bridge to Speculation or the Art of Rent in the Staging of a “Global City”
(Mariana Fix, Laboratório de Habitação e Assentamentos Humanos
Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Universidade de São Paulo) pp,35-76

4. Urban Policy Goals and Territorial Planning: Articulations and Lessons from Planning Urban Regions in Portugal
(João Cabral, José Crespo, Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Lisbon) pp,77-94

5. Lisbon: Metropolis and Urbanised Landscape
(Sofia Morgado, Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal)pp,95-112

6. The Close Relationship between Tourism and Privately Governed Territory – A Sustainable Urban Solution in Brazil?
(Maria Florésia Pessoa de Sousa e Silva, Universidade Federal da Bahia
Paulo José Lisboa Nobre, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte) pp,113-138

7. Enabling Local Development through Digital Cities: Examples from Portugal
(Bárbara Barbosa Neves, Centre for Public Administration and Policies
Institute of Social and Political Sciences, Technical University of Lisbon) pp,139-158

8. Water-Sensitive Urban Planning: A Simulation Approach for a Coastal Plain in Brazil
(Iana A.A. Rufino, Carlos de O. Galvão, Vajapeyam S. Srinivasan,
Janiro C. Rêgo, José do Patrocínio, T. Albuquerque, Department of Civil Engineering, Federal University of Campina Grande)pp,159-170

Social Housing:

9. Housing Policy and Urban Development: The Brazilian Experience
(Rosa Moura, Instituto Paranaense de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (IPARDES) Clovis Ultramari, Pontifical University of Paraná)pp,171-192

10. Sound Salad: The Soundscapes of a Brazilian Favela
(Andrea Medrado, University of Westminster,UK)pp,193-212

11. Geographic Dimensions of the Brazilian Metropolitan Areas Peripherization Process
(Ralfo Matos, Ricardo A. Garcia, Geosciences Institute Federal University of Minas Gerais State, Brazil)pp,213-228

12. Socio-Economic Segregation and Activity Spaces in Cities of the Northeastern Part of Brazil – Natal, an Example
(Julia Richter, University of Flensburg, Germany)pp,229-248

13. Social Housing Design in Southern Brazil and its Implication for Urban Development
(Antônio Tarcísio Reis, Maria Cristina Dias Lay, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul) pp,249-272

City Center:

14. Citizenship between Urbanization and Protecting Cultural Heritage
(Miguel Sopas de Melo Bandeira, Instituto de Ciências Sociais
Universidade do Minho)pp,273-284

15. From Urban Renewal to Gentrification of Leisure and Consumption: Spatial Appropriation Strategies in the Central Area of an Amazonian City
(Saint-Clair Cordeiro da Trindade Júnior, Universidade Federal do Pará)pp,285-298

Urban Culture:

16. The Innovative and Normative Role of Culture in Urban Development Policies. Questioning “Peripheries” in Urban Spaces of Brazil and Portugal
(Nicolas Bautès, (URBI) Elodie Valette, CIRAD, France)pp,299-316

17. Evening/Night-Time Leisure in Coimbra
(Norberto Pinto dos Santos, Claudete Oliveira Moreira, Centro de Estudos de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território – CEGOT University of Coimbra)pp,317-338

18. Centrality and Symbolic Order in Porto Alegre Metropolitan Region
(Romulo Krafta, Yuri Kokubun, Department of Urbanism Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul)pp,339-352

19. Tourism, Trade and Cocoa”: Politics and Tourist Space in Ilhéus, Brazil
(Roque Pinto, State University of Santa Cruz, Brazil)pp,353-370

20. Rock Music and Place as Purpose in Brasilia
(Jesse Samba Wheeler, UCLA, Los Angeles, California, USA)pp,371-386

The Diaspora:

21. Brazilian Immigrant Women in Lisbon, Portugal
(Luciana Pontes Pinto, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)pp,387-404

22. An Interpretive Visit to the Quartier Portugais in Montreal
(Guilherme Azevedo, McGill University, Montreal, Canada)pp,405-434

Index pp,435-451

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