Sunflowers: Growth and Development, Environmental Influences and Pests/Diseases


Juan Ignacio Arribas (Editor)
Electrical Engineering Department, Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain

Series: Plant Science Research and Practices
BISAC: SCI073000

This book presents a broad number of recent discoveries, advances and important results concerning sunflower crops and its related fields, with an emphasis on the detailed study of several diseases and pests that can affect sunflowers (production, water resources needed, economy impact) in different regions of the globe, including Russia, both North and South America, Africa, India and Europe. We are all well aware of the increasing importance, as well as the economic impact that these plants have reached in recent years, not only in the food industry but also in the western energy market, with the increasing use of sunflower oil as a natural energy resource for biodiesel and biofuel.

Apart from the interesting recent advances, results and conclusions presented in every chapter, plenty of visual and graphical content comprised of tables, charts, graphs, pictures and high quality detailed photographs and images showing different issues and problems regarding sunflower crops are also included. The manuscript chapters have been authored by experts in the field and in addition all of them underwent a stringent peer review process by expert reviewers to assure a high final scientific quality. (Imprint: Nova)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Chapter 1- An Introduction to the Sunflower Crop (pp. 1-18)
Fabián Fernández-Luqueño, Fernando López-Valdez, Mariana Miranda-Arámbula, Minerva Rosas-Morales, Nicolaza Pariona and Roberto Espinoza-Zapata (Natural Resources and Energy Group, Cinvestav-Saltillo, Coahuila, México)

Chapter 2- Floral Biology of Sunflowers: A Histological and Physiological Analysis (pp. 19-42)
Basudha Sharma, Rashmi Shakya and Satish C. Bhatla (Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Department of Botany, University of Delhi, Delhi, India)

Chapter 3- Development of Female Reproductive Structures and Apomixis in Sunflowers (pp. 43-60)
Olga N. Voronova (Department of Embryology and Reproductive Biology, Komarov Botanical Institute of RAS, Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

Chapter 4- Genetics and Genomics Applied to Sunflower Breeding (pp. 61-94)
Carla Filippi, Jeremías Zubrzycki, Verónica Lía, Ruth A. Heinz, Norma B. Paniego and H. Esteban Hopp (Instituto de Biotecnología, Centro de Investigaciones Veterinarias y Agronómicas, Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA Castelar), Repetto y Los Reseros, Hurlingham, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
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Chapter 5- Sunflower Genetic Resources – Interspecific Hybridization and Cytogenetics in Prebreeding (pp. 95-130)
Jovanka Atlagić and Sreten Terzić (Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, (IFVCNS), Novi Sad, Serbia)

Chapter 6- Functional Genomics and Transgenesis Applied to Sunflower Breeding (pp. 131-164)
Sebastian Moschen, Laura M. Radonic, Guillermo F. Ehrenbolger, Paula Fernández, Veronica Lía, Norma B. Paniego, Marisa López Bilbao, Ruth A. Heinz and H. Esteban Hopp (Instituto de Biotecnología, Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias Agronómicas y Veterinarias, Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria – INTA, Hurlingham, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
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Chapter 7- Disease Management in Sunflowers (pp. 165-186)
Regina M. V. B. C. Leite (Embrapa Soybean, Brazil)

Chapter 8- Recent Advances for Developing Resistance against Plasmopara halstedii in Sunflowers (pp. 187-200)
Osman Radwan (Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, US and others)

Chapter 9- Effects of Crop Management on the Incidence and Severity of Fungal Diseases in Sunflowers (pp. 201-226)
P. Debaeke, E. Mestries, M. Desanlis and C. Seassau (INRA, UMR AGIR, CS 52627, 31326 Castanet-Tolosan, France)

Chapter 10- Insect Pests of Sunflowers in Africa (pp. 227-238)
Hannalene du Plessis (Unit for Environmental Sciences and Management, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa)

Chapter 11- Soil Amendments and Their Effects on Sunflower Growth (pp. 239-256)
Fernando López-Valdez, Fabián Fernández-Luqueño, Perla Xóchitl Hernández-Rodríguez, Minerva Rosas-Morales and Silvia Luna-Suárez, (Centro de Investigación en Biotecnología Aplicada – Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Tepetitla de Lardizábal, Tlaxcala, México)

Chapter 12- Nutrition and Fertilization of Sunflowers in Brazilian Cerrado (pp. 257-280)
C. de Castro, F. A. Oliveira, A. Oliveira Junior and N. P. Ramos (Embrapa Soybean and Embrapa Environment, Brazil)

Chapter 13- Environmental Issues in the Sunflower Crop of Midwestern Brazil – Diversification and Complementarities in the Biodiesel Chain (pp. 281-296)
N. P. Ramos, A.M.M. Pires, C. C. A. Buschinelli, H. B. Vieira, C. Castro and G.S. Rodrigues (Embrapa Environment and Embrapa Soybean, Brazil)

Chapter 14- Micro and Macro-Morphological Variation of Cosmos bipinnatus and Cosmos bipinnatus var. Albiflorus in Sympatric Zones in Central Mexico (pp. 297-308)
M. Paniagua-Ibañez, A. Zepeda-Rodríguez, P. Mussali-Galante, R. Ramírez-Rodríguez and E. Tovar-Sánchez (Centro de Investigación en Biodiversidad y Conservación, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos. Cuernavaca, Morelos, México)


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