Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction on Cutting Angle Method Inspired By Abstract Convexity for Solving Continuous Time Optimal Control Problems
Chapter 2. A Wide Literature Review on Building the Cutting Angle Method
Chapter 3. The Inheritance and Generalizability Properties Extended From Function Definitions into Functionals
Chapter 4. Study of Some New Type of Functionals Defined Based the Inheritance and Generalizability Properties of Functions
Chapter 5. Capability of Function Optimization Algorithms for Solving Optimal Control Problems With Respect to the Inheritance and Generalizability Properties
Chapter 6. A Generalized Version of Cutting Angle Method for Solving Continuous Time Optimal Control Problems
Chapter 7. A Combination of the Cutting Angle Method and a Local Search on Optimal Control Problems
Chapter 1
[1] Baldi, P. (1995). “Gradient descent learning algorithm overview: A general dynamical systems perspective”, Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on, 6(1), 182-195.
[2] Shang, Y. (1997). “Global search methods for solving nonlinear optimization problems,” University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
[3] Beale, E. M. L. (1988). Introduction to optimization: Wiley-Interscience.
[4] Bundy, B. (1984). “Basic optimization methods”, Edward Arnold.
[5] Cesari, L. (1983). Optimization—theory and applications: Springer.
[6] Koo, D. (1977). Elements of optimization: Springer.
[7] Rao, S. “Optimization: theory and applications. 1984,” ed: Wiley, New York.
[8] Stoer, J. & Witzgall, C. (1970). Convexity and optimization in finite dimensions: Springer.
[9] Rubinov, A. M. (2000). Abstract convexity and global optimization, vol. 44, Springer.
[10] Kurdila, A. J. & Zabarankin, M. (2005). “Convex Functional Analysis, Systems and Control: Foundations and Applications,” ed: Birkhäuser, Basel.
[11] Nocedal, J. & Wright, S. J. (2006). “Numerical Optimization 2nd”.
[12] Rubinov, A. & Glover, B. (1999). “Increasing convex-along-rays functions with applications to global optimization”, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 102(3), 615-642.
[13] Singh, M. G. & Titli, A. (1987). Systems: decomposition, optimisation, and control: Pergamon.
[14] Becerra, V. M. (1994). “Development and applications of novel optimal control algorithms,” City University.
[15] Roberts, P. (1993). “An algorithm for optimal control of nonlinear systems with model-reality differences”, in Proceedings of 12th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, 407-412.
[16] Bagirov, A. & Rubinov, A. (2000). “Global minimization of increasing positively homogeneous functions over the unit simplex”, Annals of Operations Research, 98(1-4), 171-187.
Chapter 2
[1] Martinez-Legaz, J. & Rubinov, A. (2001). “Increasing positively homogeneous functions defined on Rn”, Acta Math. Vietnam, 26(3), 313-331.
[2] Fletcher, R. (2013). Practical methods of optimization: John Wiley & Sons.
[3] Rao, S. “Optimization: theory and applications. 1984,” ed: Wiley, New York.
[4] Baldi, P. (1995). “Gradient descent learning algorithm overview: A general dynamical systems perspective”, Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on, 6(1), 182-195.
[5] Beale, E. M. L. (1988). Introduction to optimization: Wiley-Interscience.
[6] Bundy, B. (1984). “Basic optimization methods”, Edward Arnold.
[7] Cesari, L. (1983). Optimization—theory and applications: Springer.
[8] Stoer, J. & Witzgall, C. (1970). Convexity and optimization in finite dimensions: Springer.
[9] Hansen, P. & Jaumard, B. (1995). Lipschitz optimization: Springer.
[10] Mladineo, R. H. (1986). “An algorithm for finding the global maximum of a multimodal, multivariate function”, Mathematical Programming, 34(2), 188-200.
[11] Bagirov, A. M. & Rubinov, A. M. (2003). “Cutting angle method and a local search”, Journal of Global Optimization, 27(2-3), 193-213.
[12] Siouris, G. M. (1996). An engineering approach to optimal control and estimation theory: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
[13] Hocking, L. (2001). “Optimal control. An introduction to the theory with applications.” Clarendon, ed: Oxford.
[14] Brdyś, M. & Roberts, P. (1987). “Convergence and optimality of modified two-step algorithm for integrated system optimization and parameter estimation”, International journal of systems science, 18(7), 1305-1322.
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[17] Stevenson, I., Brdys, M. & Roberts, P. (1985). “Integrated system optimization and parameter estimation for travelling load furnace control”, in Proceedings of 7th IFAC Symposium on Identification and Parameter Estimation, 1641-1646.
[18] Becerra, V. & Roberts, P. (1996). “Dynamic integrated system optimization and parameter estimation for discrete time optimal control of nonlinear systems”, International Journal of Control, 63(2), 257-281.
[19] Roberts, P. (1993). “An algorithm for optimal control of nonlinear systems with model-reality differences”, in Proceedings of 12th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, 407-412.
[20] Becerra, V. & Roberts, P. (1998). “Application of a novel optimal control algorithm to a benchmark fed-batch fermentation process”, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 20(1), 11-18.
Chapter 3
[1] Munkres, J. R. (2000). “Topology Prentice Hall”, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
[2] Barbu, V. & Precupanu, T. (2012). Convexity and optimization in Banach spaces: Springer.
[3] Roekafellar, R. (1970). “Convex analysis”, Princeton.
[4] Kudryavtsev, L. (2002). “Homogeneous function”, Encyclopaedia of mathematics. Springer, Berlin.
[5] Kurdila, A. J. & Zabarankin, M. (2005). “Convex Functional Analysis, Systems and Control: Foundations and Applications,” ed: Birkhäuser, Basel.
[6] Sloughter, D. (2001). “The Calculus of Functions of Several Variables,” ed: Furman University, 260p.
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[9] Castagnoli, E. & Maccheroni, F. (2000). “Restricting independence to convex cones”, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 34(2), 215-223.
Chapter 4
[1] Bylinski, C. (1989). “Some basic properties of sets”, Journal of Formalized Mathematics, 1(198), 9.
[2] Hryniewiecki, K. (1990). “Basic properties of real numbers”, Formalized Mathematics, 1(1), 35-40.
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[5] Hamel, A. (2004). “From real to set-valued coherent risk measures”, Reports of the Institute of Optimization and Stochastics, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, 19, 10-22.
[6] Anger, B. (1977). “Representation of capacities”, Mathematische Annalen, 229(3), 245-258.
[7] Kurdila, A. J. & Zabarankin, M. (2005). “Convex Functional Analysis, Systems and Control: Foundations and Applications,” ed: Birkhäuser, Basel.
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[9] Rubinov, A. M. (2000). Abstract convexity and global optimization vol. 44, Springer.
Chapter 5
[1] Becerra, V. M. (2008). “Optimal control”, Scholarpedia, 3(1), 5354.
[2] Seyedi, S., Ahmad, R. & Aziz, M. I. A. (2009). “Inheritance of Function Properties for Functionals”.
[3] Kazemi, M. & Miri, M. (1993). “Numerical solution of optimal control problems”, in Southeastcon’93, Proceedings, IEEE, 2 p.
[4] Fard, O. S. & Borzabadi, A. H. (2007). “Optimal control problem, quasi-assignment problem and genetic algorithm”, in Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 70-43.
Chapter 6
[1] Singh, M. G. & Titli, A. (1978). Systems: decomposition, optimisation, and control: Pergamon.
[2] Becerra, V. M. (1994). “Development and applications of novel optimal control algorithms,” City University.
[3] Roberts, P. (1993), “An algorithm for optimal control of nonlinear systems with model-reality differences”, in Proceedings of 12th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, 407-412.
[4] Leithold, L. (1971). The Calculus Book.
[5] Fard, O. S. & Borzabadi, A. H. (2007). “Optimal control problem, quasi-assignment problem and genetic algorithm”, in Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 70-43.
Chapter 7
[1] Bagirov, A. & Rubinov, A. (2000). “Global minimization of increasing positively homogeneous functions over the unit simplex”, Annals of Operations Research, 98(1-4), 171-187.
[2] Bagirov, A. M. & Rubinov, A. M. (2003). “Cutting angle method and a local search”, Journal of Global Optimization, 27(2-3), 193-213.
[3] Roberts, P. (1999). “Stability properties of an iterative optimal control algorithm”, in Proceedings of 14th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, 269-274.
[4] Bryson, Jr. A. E. (1996) “Optimal control-1950 to 1985”, Control Systems, IEEE, 16(3), 26-33.