Machine Learning Analysis of qPCR Data Using R


Luigi Marongiu, PhD – Research associate, Viral Oncolytic Group, University of Tübingen, Germany

Series: Research Methodology and Data Analysis
BISAC: COM021030
DOI: 10.52305/ZSFR3404

The present book will describe how to use machine learning to analyze quantitative PCR data in an objective way and with publicly available tools. The book will also provide an introduction to the practical use of the programming language R. Thus, this work will provide an advanced strategy for the objective analysis of qPCR data suitable for experts in the field and an introduction to qPCR and computational analysis for the students.

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Table of Contents


Chapter 1. The Role of qPCR in the Diagnosis of Diseases

Chapter 2. Quantification by PCR

Chapter 3. Application of Machine Learning to maxRatio qPCR Analysis





Author’s ORCID iD

Luigi Marongiu0000-0003-4720-7087

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