Wind Turbines: Technology, Applications and Efficiency


David Borge-Diez, PhD – Professor, Department of Electrical, Systems and Automation Engineering, University of León, Spain
Daniel Orlando Icaza-Álvarez – Professor, Catholic University of Cuenca, Ecuador. Center for Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer CIITT. Lighting Technology Research Laboratory CIITT, GIRVyP Group

Series: Environmental Remediation Technologies, Regulations and Safety
BISAC: SCI021000; BUS070160

This book performs a multidisciplinary approach of wind energy and analyzes existing wind technologies to propose novel modeling techniques and control systems and explore novel applications. The authors discuss whether wind energy is a valid alternative from the point of view of feasibility to be integrated in buildings or desalination plants, among others. The results support that wind energy is a profitable alternative that can also be used in several different applications different from large-scale plants. Finally, in this book, a chapter is included to evaluate the feasibility and economic, social and environmental implications of large-scale wind plants in locations where no previous development exists and where specific complex characteristics must be considered and a case study for the largest wind plant in Ecuador is presented. As a result, readers can access a detailed approach to wind energy from a technical point of view and consider novel applications and related implications of this renewable energy.

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Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Mathematical Modeling of Wind Turbines
Mustafa Şahin1, PhD, and İlkay Yavrucuk2, PhD
1METU Center for Wind Energy Research, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
2Department of Aerospace Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

Chapter 2. Wind Turbine Controller Design
Mustafa Şahin1, PhD, and İlkay Yavrucuk2, PhD
1METU Center for Wind Energy Research, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
2Department of Aerospace Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

Chapter 3. Energy Potential Wind Facility Calculation from Field Measurements and Technical Parameters of the Wind Farm Using Weibull Distribution Methodology
Jesús Ordoñez-Guerrero
Department of Electrical, Systems and Automation Engineering, University of León, León, Spain

Chapter 4. State Feedback Controller Design for Batteries Participating in Load Frequency Control in Power Networks with Wind Generation
Semaria Ruiz1 and Daniel Icaza2
Energetic Process Department, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, Colombia
2Electrical Engineering Department, Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Cuenca, Ecuador

Chapter 5. Wind Turbines for Energy Production in Organic Buildings
Daniel Icaza1, David Borge-Diez2, Semaria Ruiz3, Santiago Pulla-Galindo1
Catholic University of Cuenca, Ecuador. Center for research, innovation, and technology transfer CIITT, Lighting Technology Research Laboratory CIITT, GIRVyP Group
2Department of Electrical, Systems and Automation Engineering, University of León, León, Spain
3 Energetic Process Department, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Medellín, Colombia

Chapter 6. Wind Distributed Generation and Desalination: An Application to a Rural Microgrid
David Borge-Diez1, Francisco José García-Moya1 and Enrique Rosales-Asensio2
Departament of Electrical, Systems and Automation Engineering, University of León, León, Spain
2Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain

Chapter 7. Implementation Analysis of the Largest Wind Project in Ecuador
Santiago Pulla Galindo, David Borge-Diez2 and Daniel Icaza1
Doctoral School, University of León, León Spain Catholic University of Cuenca, Ecuador Center for research, innovation, and technology transfer CIITT, Lighting Technology Research Laboratory CIITT, GIRVyP Group
2Electrical, Systems and Automation Engineering, University of Leon, Spain


Editor’s ORCID iD

David Borge-Diez –
Daniel Orlando Icaza-Álvarez –

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