Table of Contents
Chapter 1. The Assessment of a Solar Parabolic Trough Facility for Power Generation in Tropical Climates
Hussain H. Al-Kayiem1, Sanan T. Mohammad2,3, Syed I. U. Gilani3, Ayad K. Khlief1 and Mohammed A. Aurybi4
1University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq
2Dura Thermal Power Plant, Ministry of Electricity, Baghdad, Iraq
3Mechanical Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia
4SIER Company, Ministry of Industry and Mining, Iraq
Chapter 2. A Supplemental Solar Power System for Future Aircraft: Challenges and Opportunities
S. Liscouët-Hanke, N. Sadaka and R. El Chaar
Department of Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
Chapter 3. Modeling, Conceptualizing, and Sizing Approach of Solar Farms for Powering of Drinking Water Supply and Irrigation Systems in Rural Zones: A Case Study from Tunisia
M. H. Sellami1,2, H. Tiba1, A. Nasri2 and H. BenAhmed3
1Laboratory of Soft Material and Electromagnetic Modeling, Physics Department, Faculty of Science, University of Tunis El Manar, Rommana, Tunisia
2Hydraulic Department, High school of Engineering, Medjez El Bab IRESA, Jendouba University, Jendouba, Tunisia
3Laboratory of Plant, Soil and Environment Interactions (LR21ES01), Faculty of Sciences, University of Tunis EL Manar, Rommana, Tunisia
Chapter 4. State-of-the-Art Analysis Methods of Solar Vortex Power Generation Technology
Ali M. Tukkee1,2, Hussain H. Al-Kayiem3 and Syed I. U. Gilani2
1Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Techniques Engineering Department, University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa, Karbala, Iraq
2Mechanical Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Perak, Malaysia
3University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq
Chapter 5. Comparative Evaluation of Computational Simulations of Solar Chimneys
Iylia Elena Abdul Jamil1 and Hussain H. Al-Kayiem2
1Mechanical Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia
2University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq
Chapter 6. Thin-Film Solar Cells for Vehicle Integrated Photovoltaic Technology: Integration Challenges and Opportunities in Hybrid Vehicles
Nitin Ralph Pochont1, Y. Raja Sekhar2, and K. V. Sharma3
1School of Mechanical Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India
2Centre for Disaster Mitigation and Management, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India
3Centre for Energy Studies, JNTUH College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India
Chapter 7. The Transition of Solar Thermal Energy in Recent Years and Future Directions for Industrial Utilization
Haris Naseer1, Syed I.U. Gilani1, Hussain H. Al-Kayiem2 and Muzaffar Ali3
1Mechanical Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Seri Iskandar, Malaysia
2University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq
3Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan
Chapter 8. Solar Thermal Energy Storage: Materials, Heat Transfer Analysis and Applications
Sulaiman Al-Hashmi
Center for Environmental Studies and Research, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman Energy Research Institute, University of Leeds, UK
Editor’s ORCID iD
Hussain H. Al-Kayiem – 0000-0002-6045-8553