Table of Contents
Chapter 1. New Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuator Configurations for Thermo-Fluid Dynamic Applications
Frederico Rodrigues and Jose Pascoa
Centre for Mechanical Aerospace Science and Technology, University of Beira Interior, Covilha, Portugal
Chapter 2. Research and Application of Precision Machining Method for Aero-Engine Casing
Yang Xiao¹, Tian Li², PhD, Shuling Dai³, PhD, and Yuming Jiang⁴, PhD
¹School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
²AECC Chengdu Engine Co., Ltd., Chengdu, Sichuan, China
³School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China
⁴School of Computer Science, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Chapter 3. Potentialities of Infrared Thermography in Education
M. Rodríguez-Martín¹, PhD, and P. Rodríguez-Gonzálvez², PhD
¹Dept. Mechanical Engineering, Universidad de Salamanca Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain
²Dept. Mining Technology, Topography and Structures, Universidad de León, Ponferrada, Spain
Chapter 4. Infrared Thermography in Magnetism
Maria J. Pereira, PhD
Department of Physics, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
Chapter 5. Performance Improvement of Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells through Different Gas Injection Channel Geometries
Nima Ahmadi and Hojjat Ashrafi
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical and Vocational University (TVU), Tehran, Iran
Chapter 6. Solving the Idle LBO Problem for Next Generation Aero Combustors
Jushan Chin¹ and Jin Dang², PhD
¹Retired from Rolls-Royce, Laguna Woods, CA, USA
²Fossil Energy Research Corp, Laguna Hills, CA, USA
Chapter 7. Classification of Cardiac Arrhythmia using Fractal Dimension
Sabrine Ben Ali, PhD, Aguili Taoufik
Communication System Laboratory Sys’Com, National engineering School of Tunis University Tunis El Manar, Tunisia
Chapter 8. Operation and Control of Active Distribution Networks
Diego Feroldi¹,³, Pablo Rullo¹,⁵,Patricio Luppi¹,⁴ ,Lautaro Braccia¹,⁴ and David Zumoffen¹,²
¹French-Argentine International Center for Information and Systems Sciences (CIFASIS), Rosario, Argentina
²National Technological University (UTN), Regional Faculty of Rosario (FRRo), Rosario, Argentina
³National University of Rosario (UNR), Department of Computer Science, ECEN-FCEIA, Rosario, Argentina
⁴National University of Rosario (UNR), Department of Control, EIE-FCEIA, Rosario, Argentina
⁵National Technological University (UTN), Regional Faculty of San Nicolás (FRSN), San Nicolás, Argentina.}