Public Transport: Types, Management and Operation


Vincent Therriault

Series: Transportation Issues, Policies and R&D
BISAC: TRA009000

Public Transport: Types, Management and Operation first discusses the types of bus management and operation in Tamil Nadu, touching on some prevalent problems and suggesting potential solutions. The authors explore the operational environment of “tri-taxis” in the Cape Coat metropolis, contributing to the existing literature on the phenomenon. The interactions between urban expansion policy and collective transport policy are assessed in an urban area of great relevance in Argentina, Mendoza. In closing, this collection discusses the legal and technical regulations regarding the use of freight drones in city centres.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Types, Management and Operation of Public Transport in Tamil Nadu, India
(D. S. Vincent, Managing Director, TamilNadu State Transport Corporation, Madurai, India)

Chapter 2. Understanding the Operations of Tricycles as a Modal Choice of Public Transport in a Ghanaian Metropolis
(Thomas Kolawole Ojo, Department of Geography and Regional Planning, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana)

Chapter 3. Interaction between Urban Expansion and Transport Policy
(María Emilia García Schilardi, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina)

Chapter 4. Proposition of Law Regulations for Usage of the Freight Drones in the City Centres
(Krzysztof Lewandowski, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wrocław, Poland)


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