Ships and Shipbuilding: Types, Design Considerations and Environmental Impact


José A. Orosa (Editor)
University of A Coruña, Department of Energy, Spain

Series: Construction Materials and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Theory and Applications
BISAC: TEC005040

It is not well known how far back in time that ships were invented. Despite this, some archaeological remains were found dating back to 6300 B.C. Based on that period, research and development were carried out on this subject based on different economical conditions and factors like trading and colonizing. Thus, from this early period, Egyptians, Greeks, Roman and Vikings showed clear improvements in ship line designs, and propulsion systems, like oars and sails.

With the passing of the years, new research areas were incorporated in research and development in ships. In particular, new concepts about safety and health risks, and also environmental impacts have been incorporated as an evolution from the classical research areas of the design of ship lines and machinery, respectively. From that period, different international organizations have acknowledged an extremely greater importance in these two derived concepts mainly due to their direct influence over human life and the environment.

On the basis of this point of view, this book was drafted and organized with the aim to be an updated link between well-known ship designs and operating conditions, and their recent developments, to serve as a guide for marine engineers and naval architects in their professional lives and, especially, for researchers in these areas.
(Imprint: Nova)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Preface pp. i-vii


Chapter 1: Parametric Design of Small Ships with the Use of NURBS Surfaces
(Francisco Pérez-Arribas, Naval Architecture School of Madrid (UPM), Spain)pp. 5-46

Chapter 2: Description of a Propulsion System of a Ship Designed to Transport LNG with a Steam Plant
(A. De Miguel Catoira, J. Romero Gómez, M. Romero Gómez and R. Bouzón Otero, Department of Energy and Marine Propulsion, University of A Coruña, Spain)pp. 47-62

Chapter 3: Regression Methods to a Gain Scheduling PID Controller to Guarantee the Automatic Steering of Ships
(Héctor Quintián Pardo, José Luis Calvo-Rolle, José Luis Casteleiro-Roca and José Antonio Orosa Garcia, University of A Coruña, Spain)pp. 63-84

Chapter 4: Knowledge Model Approach Based in Rules for TACAN Air Navigation System
(Xosé Manuel Vilar Martínez, Juan Aurelio Montero Sousa,
José Luis Calvo-Rolle, José Luis Casteleiro-Roca and José Antonio Orosa García, University of A Coruña, Spain)pp. 85-104

Chapter 5: Research about the Risk of Explosion on Board from Using Liquefied Natural Gas as Fuel
(Saturnino Galán, José A. Orosa, Angel Rodríguez and José A. Pérez, Department of Energy and Marine Propulsion, University of A Coruña, Spain)pp. 105-124

Chapter 6: Research about Safety of Wire Rope on Board
(Saturnino Galán, José A. Orosa, Ángel Rodríguez and José A. Pérez, University of A Coruña, Spain)pp. 125-150


Chapter 7: Research about the New IMO Convention
(Rebeca Bouzón, Ángel M. Costa, A. De Miguel Catoira, J. Romero Gómez and M. Romero Gómez, Department of Energy and Marine Propulsion, University of A Coruña, Spain)pp. 155-166

Chapter 8: IMO Standard and Gas Emissions Reduction from Ships
(Ángel M. Costa, Rebeca Bouzón, A. De Miguel Catoira, J. Romero Gómez and M. Romero Gómez, Department of Energy and Marine Propulsion, University of A Coruña, Spain)pp. 167-186

Chapter 9: Air Quality Impact Assessment of In-Port Ship Emissions: Methodological Issues and Case-Study Examples
(Giovanni Lonati, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
Politecnico di Milano, Italy)pp. 187-204

Chapter 10: Applying the Life Cycle Thinking to Sea Ports: The Case of a Slovenian Commercial Port
(Boris Marzi, Stefano Zuin, Gregor Radonjič and Klavdij Logožar, Koper Port, Koper, Slovenia, and others)pp. 205-218

Index pp. 219-227

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