Who Will Pay to Save the Planet? The $100 Trillion Question


Anthony Rowley – Author and Journalist, Tokyo, Japan

Who will pay to save the planet? The $100 trillion question (From Arab News)

Series: Economic Issues, Problems and Perspectives
BISAC: BUS000000; BUS017000
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52305/UBJU4863

Until quite recently most people were either in the dark or in denial about climate change, and even now that the impact is showing up dramatically in (man-made) “natural” disasters such as typhoons, hurricanes, fires, floods, and rising seas, the world remains divided over what action to take and largely ignorant as to what the cost of action will be. The critical issue of who will pay for a climate rescue operation has long been neglected, and now that it is finally coming into focus it is obvious that the potential deficit of finance is matched by a similar deficit of clear thinking on how to marshal and deploy the funds needed to transition successfully from a “brown” to a “green” global economy. This book discusses the nature of the threat of climate change and the problems faced by governments in combatting climate change, as well as potential solutions.

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Table of Contents

Introduction: The Cost of Climate Inaction

Chapter 1. An Existential Threat Writ Large

Chapter 2. Climate Battle – Enter the Titans

Chapter 3. COP 26 – Not Quite A “Cop Out”

Chapter 4. Balance Sheet “Commitment” but What Is the Bottom Line?

Chapter 5. Carbon – Tax, Trade, “Cap” or Capture

Chapter 6. Multilateral Development Banks: An Underutilised Resource

Chapter 7. The Nuclear Option by Grady Edward Loy

Chapter 8. Sustainable Investment: An Expanding Universe

Chapter 9. Principal Players in Sustainable Investment




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