Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Communication Training for Students in Multidisciplinary Academic Fields
Shigehiro Hashimoto
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kogakuin University, Tokyo, Japan
Chapter 2. Overcoming Students’ Alternative Conceptions in Redox Reactions Using IITF Instruction: A Participatory Approach
Kenneth Adu-Gyamfi, PhD
Department of Science Education, Faculty of Science and Technology Education, College of Education Studies, University of Cape Coast, Ghana
Chapter 3. A Multimodal Perspective on Narration: Rethinking the Narrative Skills of a Minimally Verbal Child on the Autism Spectrum
Vera Tarvonen¹, Katja Dindar², PhD, Calkin Suero Montero³, PhD and Eija Kärnä³, PhD
¹Early Childhood Education and Care, City of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
²Research Unit of Logopedics, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
³School of Educational Sciences and Psychology, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland
Chapter 4. Exploring a Blended Online Flipped Class Model in a University “Technology Application and Life” Course
Syh-Jong Jang, PhD
Center for General Education, Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan
Chapter 5. Repositioning Leather: Professional Education in the Context of Sustainable Development of the Global Leather Industry
Sayeed Sadulla
Formerly of the Centre for Human and Organizational Resources Development, CSIR-Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai, India
Department of Leather Technology, Anna University, Chennai, India
Chapter 6. Post-COVID Vocational Reconstruction and the Green Industrial Revolution
Terry Hyland
Free University of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland
Chapter 7. The Responsiveness of National Certificate (Vocational) Civil Engineering and Building Construction Curricula Against Industrial Skills Demand: A South African Perspective of Technical and Vocational Education and Training Colleges
Themba Paulos Nkwanyane¹, Moses Makgato² and Sylvia Manto Ramaligela¹
¹Department of Mathematic Science and Technology Education, University of Limpopo, Polokwane, South Africa
²Technology and Vocation Education Department, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa
Chapter 8. The Professional Journey of Academics: Recommendations for Bilingual and Literacy Graduate Students
Tomas Espinosa, PhD and Shelly Landreth, EdD
University of Texas Permian Basin, Texas, USA