Service Learning at a Glance


: Education in a Competitive and Globalizing World
BISAC: EDU001030; EDU044000

Service Learning at a Glance involves the dissemination of recent findings from empirical research and practical samples of service-learning programs in higher education to better identify the significant drivers of service-learning critical pedagogy. Service-learning is an immersive and experiential learning experience that combines academic course work and community service, underscoring reciprocal learning and sustainable and reflective practices to address community needs, while developing students’ citizenship skills and critical thinking for social justice.

While much has been written about service-learning adoption in higher education settings, this book seeks to demonstrate its broad relevance within a multidisciplinary context. Unique about Service Learning at a Glance is that it offers an “international” point of view by including learning experiences and research work from different regions around the world. We believe the comprehensive knowledge offered through this book will advance service-learning research and support the adoption of engaging service-learning experiences and practices in higher education settings, which will be valuable for researchers and practitioners in many national and cultural contexts. Furthermore, we hope that future research will enlarge upon experiences and research provided in this book to continue to build more international service-learning projects across the world.

Chapter 1, drawing on Mezirow’s transformative learning theory, investigates how intercultural competence is developed as students interact with other cultural groups in a service-learning experience in Spain.
Chapter 2 explores through a qualitative research study enactments of service-learning and conceptions of civic engagement within an Irish university in order to understand the cultural and historical contextual influences. Chapter 3, based on the experience of the Latin American Center for Solidarity Service-Learning (CLAYSS), analyzes the development of service-learning in the Latin American continent.
Chapter 4 includes a case study from an Austrian perspective and focuses on the extent to which service-learning has become integrated within the policy and practice of German-speaking higher education institutions. Chapter 5 includes a case study in a Philippine institution of Catholic higher education which examines the reforms undertaken to institutionalize service learning based on Kotter’s theory of organizational change. Chapter 6 examines the COVID-19 pandemic setting which has overturned the traditional model of in-person service-learning and, using course evaluation qualitative data, argues that students reflect changes in environmental behavior and greater understanding of environmental issues. Chapter 7 documents the experience of an Indian higher education institution regarding emerging trends of techno-pedagogical innovations which could be instrumental for service learning in Remote Teaching-Learning format.

Ultimately, the book aims to provide an in-depth perspective of service-learning, which is supported by empirical evidence and practical teaching experiences in different international settings. The overall aim is to offer a unique and appealing insight to service-learning pedagogy. The book does not require successive reading as each chapter can be extracted independently and can be used both as teaching and learning material.

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Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Development of Intercultural Competence of University Students through Service Learning
Rosa M. Rodríguez-Izquierdo – Department of Education and Social Psychology, University Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain

Chapter 2. Service Learning as a Community of Practice in Irish Higher Education: Understanding Cultural and Historical Nuances
Rosario Cerrillo¹ and Lorraine McIlrath²
¹Department of Pedagogy, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
²Directorate for Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Interculturalism, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Ireland

Chapter 3. Service Learning in Latin America: Education in the South through Solidaridad, Quality and Inclusion
Luz Avruj¹ and Liliana Mayer²

Chapter 4. European and Austrian Perspectives on Service Learning
Katharina Resch¹ and Magdalena Fellner²
¹CLAYSSCentre for Teacher Education, University of Vienna, Austria
²Department for Higher Education Research, University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria

Chapter 5. Institutionalizing Service Learning to Strengthen Community Engagement: A Case Study
Genejane M. Adarlo¹ MD, PhD, Urduja C. Amor¹, BS, Agnes D. Garciano², PhD, and Juliet Q. Dalagan³, PhD
¹Health Sciences Program, Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City, Philippines
²Department of Mathematics, Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City, Philippines
³Department of Chemistry, Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro, Philippines

Chapter 6. The Pandemic Pivot: Effective Distance Service Learning in the Age of COVID-19
Monique Mironesco – Professor, Political Science, University of Hawai’i, West Oʻahu

Chapter 7. Remote Teaching-Learning in Higher Education: Pedagogical Perspectives of Service Learning
Mrinal Mukherjee¹, PhD, and Abhishek Dey²
¹Department of Teacher Education, The West Bengal University of Teachers’ Training, Education Planning and Administration, India
²Department of Social Work, Bankura University, India


Editor’s ORCID iD

Rosa M. Rodríguez-Izquierdo

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