Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Augustine’s Paradox and the Phenomenology of the Horizon
M. Belousov, PhD
Institute of Social Sciences, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russian Federation
Chapter 2. Hermeneutic Phenomenology of Democratic Power in Africa: The Case of Ghana over the Longue Durée
Nene-Lomotey Kuditchar, PhD
Department of Political Science, University of Ghana, Ghana
Chapter 3. What Is the Phenomenological Ontology of Forms of Life?
Daniel Rueda Garrido, PhD
Independent Researcher, Spain
Chapter 4. The Cognitive Ecology of Mail Sorting: An Explorative Study of Immergence-Driven Change in a Manual Mail Sorting Practice
Rasmus Gahrn-Andersen¹, PhD, and Asbjørn Osted Mortensen²
¹Associate Professor, Department of Language and Communication, University of Southern Denmark, Slagelse, Denmark
²Independent Scholar
Chapter 5. Bibliography