Table of Contents
List of Figures
Chapter 1. Conciliar Documents on Revelation
Chapter 2. Trinitarian Structure in the Economy of Salvation
Chapter 3. The Scriptural Roots of Laudato Si’
Chapter 4. Imperfection in Creation. Augustine of Hippo: The City of God Book 13: On Original Sin
Chapter 5. The Incarnation: Why God Became Man? Anselm of Canterbury: Cur Deus Homo?
Chapter 6. The Nature of Jesus Christ. Logos Eikon Onoma Musterion: Interrelations in the Four Great Christological Hymns of the New Testament
Chapter 7. Conversion and Discipleship: Paul of Tarsus and Aurelius Augustinus
Chapter 8. Scholasticism and Philosophy
Chapter 9. The Commingling of Philosophy and Revelation: Augustine’s Confessions and the City of God
Chapter 10. Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius and The Consolation of Philosophy
Chapter 11. Pilgrimage: Public Worship and Private Spirituality
Chapter 12. Vision and Text in the Mysticism of the Late Middle Ages
Chapter 13. Papal Primacy: Three Documents
Chapter 14. Chronology of Major Historical, Theological and Philosophical Events: 4000 BC to 1900 AD
Author’s ORCID iD
Robert Ignatius Letellier –