Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Readying for Battle
Chapter 2. Setting the Strategy
Chapter 3. Going into the Heart of the Storm
Chapter 4. Indoctrination and Manipulation
Chapter 5. Conspiracy Panic and Paranoia
Chapter 6. Rote Collusion and Hamster Wheels
Chapter 7. Threats and Pecking Orders
Chapter 8. Gaslighting and Nudging
Chapter 9. Emotional Bombing and Sensory Overloading
Chapter 10. Burnout and Crashes
Chapter 11. False Rushes and Squeezes
Chapter 12. The 36 Counter-Strategies of Manipulation
Chapter 13. Emotional Wellness
Chapter 14. Analytical Wellness
Chapter 15. Primal Wellness
Author’s ORCID iD
Alexandra Kitty – 0000-0002-0592-8620