Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: From Diagnosis to Treatment


Jaber S. Alqahtani, PhD – Senior Specialist & Assistant Professor, Department of Respiratory Care, Prince Sultan Military College of Health Sciences, Dammam, Saudi Arabia

Series: Pulmonary and Respiratory Diseases and Disorders
BISAC: MED079000; MED003080; HEA039120
DOI: 10.52305/SQCS9715

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (often known as COPD) is a respiratory disease that affects more than 400 million people worldwide. In 2019, COPD was responsible for 3.23 million deaths globally. This makes COPD the third greatest cause of mortality worldwide. People with COPD frequently experience increasing levels of breathlessness as the disease advances. This can cause a significant financial burden due to the limitations on workplace and home productivity, and costs of medical treatment. Therefore, delivering comprehensive management for people living with COPD is important to lessen such a burden. This book intends to provide comprehensive expert review chapters on the most significant aspects in the management of COPD from diagnosis to treatment through clear insights and explanations. It offers thorough evaluations that provide clinicians involved in COPD management at all levels with a brief, all-encompassing reference to symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. This book covers four major areas in COPD management, including disease physiology and pathophysiology, diagnosis tools, disease burden, and management of stable and non-stable COPD.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Definition and Epidemiology of COPD
Ahmet Cemal Pazarlı¹, and Hakan Şıvgın²
¹Gaziosmanpaşa University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pulmonary Diseases, Tokat, Turkey
²Gaziosmanpaşa University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Tokat, Turkey

Chapter 2. Risk Factors for Developing COPD
Madhuragauri Shevade, MS, RRT-NPS, PhD Scholar
Symbiosis Center for Research and Innovation, Faculty of Health Sciences, Symbiosis International (Deemed) University, Pune, India; Indian Association of Respiratory Care, India

Chapter 3. Pathophysiology of COPD
Asma Falah Alharbi, MSc
Department of Respiratory Care, Prince Sultan Military College of Health Sciences, Dammam, Saudi Arabia

Chapter 4. Comorbidity and COPD
Amal Al-Somali, MSc, RRT, RRT-NPS, RPFT
Department of Respiratory Care, Prince Sultan Military Collage of Health Sciences, Dammam, Saudi Arabia

Chapter 5. Mental Disorders and COPD
Rayan A Siraj
Department of Respiratory Therapy, King Faisal University, Al Hofuf, Saudi Arabia

Chapter 6. Spirometry as a Diagnostic Tool in COPD
Dr. Noor AlKhathlan, PhD
Department Respiratory Care, Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University, Saudi Arabia

Chapter 7. Alternative Methods of Physiological Lung Function Assessments in COPD
Mohammed A. Almeshari¹,², Abdulrhman S. Alghamdi¹, Sulaiman S. Alsaif¹, Abdulrahman M. Alshehri¹ and Khalid S. Alwadeai¹
¹Rehabilitation Health Sciences Department, College of Applied Medical Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
²Institute of Inflammation and Ageing, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK

Chapter 8. COPD Case-Findings Tools for COPD Diagnosis
Naiara Tais Leonardi, Alessandro Domingues Heubel and Renata Gonçalves Mendes, PhD
Department of Physical Therapy, Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil

Chapter 9. Smoking Cessation in the Management of Stable COPD
Abdullah M. Alanazi, PhD, RRT-NPS
Department of Respiratory Therapy, College of Applied Medical Sciences, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences and King Abdullah International Medical Research Center, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Chapter 10. Vaccinations in the Management of Stable COPD
Yaser A. Al Naam
Clinical Laboratory Sciences Department, Prince Sultan Military College of Health Sciences, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

Chapter 11. Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR) in the Management of Stable COPD
Yousef S. Aldabayan, PhD
Respiratory Care Department, College of Applied Medical Sciences, King Faisal University, Al-Hasa, Saudi Arabia.

Chapter 12. Management of Malnutrition in Stable COPD
Abdulelah M. Aldhahir¹, PhD, Abdullah A. Alqarni², PhD, Saeed M. Alghamdi³, PhD and Ali Hakamy¹, PhD
¹Respiratory Therapy Department, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia
²Department of Respiratory Therapy, Faculty of Medical Rehabilitation Sciences, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
³Clinical Technology Department, Respiratory Care Program, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia

Chapter 13. Oxygen Therapy and Ventilatory Support Modalities in Stable COPD
Saad M. AlRabeeah, PhD, RRT-SDS
Department of Respiratory Care, Prince Sultan Military College of Health Sciences, Dhahran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Chapter 14. Interventional Therapy in Stable COPD
Mihir R. Gangakhedkar¹, MD, DM and Lokesh Kumar Saini², MD
¹Bonded Medical Officer, Employees State Insurance Scheme Hospital, Vashi, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
²Assistant Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India

Chapter 15. Pharmacological Management of Stable COPD
Abdullah A. Alqarni¹, PhD, Abdulelah M. Aldhahir², PhD, Saeed M. Alghamdi³,⁴, PhD, Rayan Siraj⁵, PhD, and Abdulkareem A. AlGarni⁶,⁷, MD
¹Department of Respiratory Therapy, Faculty of Medical Rehabilitation Sciences, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
²Respiratory Therapy Department, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia
³Clinical Technology Department, Respiratory Care Program, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia
⁴National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, UK
⁵Department of Respiratory Therapy, College of Applied Medical Sciences, King Faisal University, Al Ahsa, Saudi Arabia
⁶King Abdulaziz Hospital, MNGHA, Al Ahsa, Saudi Arabia
⁷King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, COAMS-A, Al Ahsa, Saudi Arabia

Chapter 16. Palliative and End-of-Life Care in COPD
Rosana Mara da Silva¹ and Thales Cantelle Baggio²
¹Respiratory Physiotherapist, Municipal Health Department, Estácio de Sá University, Medical School, Jaraguá do Sul (SC), Brazil
²Physician, Cardiovascular Surgeon, Intensive Care Physician, Hospital Jaraguá and Hospital São José, Estácio de Sá University, Medical School, Jaraguá do Sul (SC), Brazil

Chapter 17. Self-Management and Education in Stable COPD
Victor Manuel Mendoza Romero¹, Amaury Hernán González Molina², Cinthia Susana Álvarez Maldonado³ and José Luis Sandoval Gutiérrez⁴
¹Pulmonologist and Intensivist, Chief Medical Officer of Respiratory Therapy and Head of the Lung Transplant Unit, National Institute of Respiratory Diseases, Mexico City
²Pediatric Pulmonologist, High specialty in Physiology and Respiratory Therapy, Assistant Professor, Respiratory Therapy, National Institute of Respiratory Diseases, Mexico City
³Pulmonologist, Respiratory Therapy, National Institute of Respiratory Diseases, Mexico City
⁴Internist, Pulmonologist and Intensivist, Deputy Director of Auxiliary Diagnostic and Paramedical Services, National Institute of Respiratory Diseases, Mexico City

Chapter 18. The Efficacy of Aerosol Therapy in Nasal High Flow Therapy to COPD Patients
Yasmin M. Madney, PhD, Hoda Rabea, PhD, Hasnaa Osama, PhD, Mona A. Abdelrahman, PhD, Haitham Saeed, PhD, Hadeer S. Harb, PhD, Marwa Mohsen, PHD, and Mohamed E. A. Abdelrahim, PhD
Clinical Pharmacy Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef, Egypt

Chapter 19. Definition, Severity and Prevalence of COPD Exacerbation
Pinar Atagun Guney
Koşuyolu High Specialızation Education And Research Hospital, Turkey

Chapter 20. Acute Exacerbation of COPD: Differential Diagnosis
Habib Md Reazaul Karim¹, and Mahesh S Kurwe²
¹Department of Anaesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur, India
²Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Peoples College of Medical Sciences, Bhopal, India

Chapter 21. Acute Exacerbations of COPD: A Pathophysiology Overview
Maria Bragança¹, MD, Miguel Guia¹,²,³, MD, Paula Pinto¹,²,³, MD, PhD, and Raffaele Scala⁴, MD
¹Thorax Department; Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte, Lisbon, Portugal
²Sleep and Non-Invasive Ventilation Unit, Thorax Department, Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte, Lisbon, Portugal
³Instituto de Saúde Ambiental (ISAMB), Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon University, Lisbon, Portugal
⁴Pulmonology and Respiratory Intensive Care Unit, S. Donato Hospital, Arezzo, Italy

Chapter 22. Recognition and Consequences of COPD Exacerbation
Jithin K. Sreedharan¹, and Keerthi N. Satheesan²
¹Department of Respiratory Care, Prince Sultan Military College of Health Sciences, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
²Royal Service Medical College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Bahrain Defense Force, Bahrain

Chapter 23. Management of Exacerbations
Valeria Maione¹, MD, Miguel Guia¹,²,³, MD, Raffaele Scala⁴, MD and Paula Pinto¹,²,³, MD, PhD
¹Thorax Department, Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte, Lisbon, Portugal
²Sleep and Non-Invasive Ventilation Unit, Thorax Department, Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte, Lisbon, Portugal
³Instituto de Saúde Ambiental (ISAMB), Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon University, Lisbon, Portugal
⁴Pulmonology and Respiratory Intensive Care Unit, S. Donato Hospital, Arezzo, Italy

Chapter 24. Role of Pulmonary Rehabilitation and COPD Exacerbations
Alessandro Domingues Heubel, Naiara Tais Leonardi and Renata Gonçalves Mendes
Department of Physical Therapy, Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), São Carlos, Brazil

Chapter 25. Self-Management of Acute Exacerbation of COPD: Conventional vs. Telehealth Interventions
Hayat Mushcab¹, PhD, Donna Alabdulbaqi², MD, PhD and Abdulmuhsin Babsail³, MD
¹Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare, Research Office, Dhahran, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia
²Saudi Electronic University, Public Health Department, Dammam, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia
³Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare, Population Health Department, Dhahran, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia

Chapter 26. Digital Health Applications in COPD Management: Structural Roadmap for Successful Implementation
Saeed M. Alghamdi¹,², PhD, Keir E. J. Philip¹, MRCP., Abdulelah M. Aldhahir³, PhD, and Abdullah A. Alqarni⁴, PhD
¹National heart and Lung Insatiate, Imperial College London, London, UK
²Clinical technology Department, Faculty of Applied Medical Science, Umm-Al Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia
³Respiratory Therapy Department, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia
⁴Department of Respiratory Therapy, Faculty of Medical Rehabilitation Sciences, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Chapter 27. COPD and COVID-19 Epidemiology at a Glance
Abdallah Y Naser, Sami Qadus and Eman Zmaily Dahmash
Department of Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Isra University, Amman, Jordan

Chapter 28. COPD Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Victor Manuel Mendoza Romero, MD, Rogelio García Torrentera, MD, Eduardo Vázquez Alcocer, MD, Omar Durán Nava, MD, and Amaury Hernán González Molina, MD
National Institute of Respiratory Diseases, Mexico City, Mexico


Editor’s ORCID iD

Jaber S. Alqahtani –  – 0000-0003-1795-5092

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