Be the Change: Learning and Teaching for the Creative Industries


Anna McNamara – Professor, Director of Learning and Teaching, Guildford School of Acting, University of Surrey, UK

Series: Advances in the Arts
BISAC: PER000000

Across the world, higher education and the actor and performer training sector are undergoing significant changes in response to the creative, economic and social effects of the global pandemic, the Black Lives Matter movement, and digital technologies. Be the Change: Learning and Teaching for the Creative Industries considers what change needs to look like within performance training and what we can do to create it. Each chapter captures insights from performing arts industry and educational experts, with reflections from high profile actors and practitioners. The focus is on action, not talk, seeking to provide those teaching, facilitating and leading performance training with ideas and practical steps to work differently. This book considers the training provider’s role in increasing representation and inclusivity, looking forward to a sustainable and resilient future. Whilst efforts to broaden access have had some success, for too long, people have felt excluded from audiences and from careers in the industry. Enabling future practitioners includes care of well-being, facilitating structured approaches to intimate scenes and adopting sustainable practices. International perspectives are captured to consider global systemic change, focussing on the core question: what next?

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Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Accessibility in Training: Systemic Change
Nicholas Scrivens and Rita McDade

Chapter 2. Cultural Intelligence and Actor Training
Dominic Rouse, Matthew Coulton and Luyanda Unati Lewis-Nyawo

Chapter 3. Gender: Enablement, Empowerment and Actor Training
Anna McNamara and Lucy Kerbel

Chapter 4. Resilience and Wellbeing in Actor Training
Andrew Davidson, Ian Maxwell and Parvinder Shergill

Chapter 5. Technology Enhanced Learning and Actor Training
Tom Turner, Niall Bailey and Richard Mulholland

Chapter 6. Intimacy and Actor Training
Rose Ryan and Vanessa Ewan

Chapter 7. International Perspectives
Sean McNamara, Ricardo Abad, John Bashford, David Shirley, Hilary Wood, Cathy Young
and Peter Zazzali

Chapter 8. Sustainable Practices in Production Education
Kathryn Downton, Marty Moore and Jennifer Taillefer

Chapter 9. Reimagining the Canon
Kevin Michael Cripps, Nina Kristofferson and Sheri Sanders


Editor’s ORCID iD

Anna McNamara  –

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