The VSITE Review


Series: Vascular Research Developments

BISAC: MED085050

This is a short and comprehensive handbook of current management of vascular surgery. This review is well-organized and aims to cover all topics in vascular surgery. Each of the disease processes encountered in vascular surgery are divided into their etiology, classification schemes, presentation, and management strategies in a bullet-point format for quick review. The primary audience for this review book is medical students, surgical residents, and surgical fellows in vascular surgery who are looking for a comprehensive review prior to board examinations and annual in-service testing.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Cerebrovascular Review

Chapter 2. Upper Extremity Review

Chapter 3. Aortoiliac Review

Chapter 4. Lower Extremity Review

Chapter 5. Mesenteric Review

Chapter 6. Renovascular Review

Chapter 7. Venous Review

Chapter 8. Lymphatic Review

Chapter 9. Vascular Trauma Review

Chapter 10. Dialysis Access Review

Chapter 11. Miscellaneous Review



Editor’s ORCID iD

Young Kim

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