Cardiometabolic Diseases and Risk Factors


Patrick Ralston (Editor)

Series: Cardiology Research and Clinical Developments
BISAC: MED010000

In this compilation, the pathogenesis and interrelationships of metabolic abnormalities are discussed, particularly their impact on cardiovascular disease, as well as the role of excess adiposity in metabolic derange.

The authors discuss the literature on polycystic ovary syndrome and cardio-metabolic risk factors, providing recommendations that would be helpful for healthcare providers and policy makers.

Additionally, the aspects of nutritional habits associated to an increase in cardiovascular risk factors in the obese population are addressed. (Imprint: Nova Medicine and Health)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Cardiometabolic Diseases and Risk Factors
(Fava Marie Claire, Agius Rachel and Fava Stephen, University of Malta, Msida, Malta, and others)

Chapter 2. Cardio-Metabolic Risk Factors in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
(Fahimeh Ramezani Tehrani, MD, and Samira Behboudi-Gandevani, PhD, Reproductive Endocrinology Research Center, Research Institute for Endocrine Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, and others)

Chapter 3. Cardiometabolic Risks Related to Obesity: Potential Effects of Nutritional Habits
(Danielle Cristina Seiva, Yasmin Alaby Martins Ferreira, Marcos Mônico Neto, Hanna Karen Moreira Antunes and Raquel Munhoz da Silveira Campos, Post-Graduate Program of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil)


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