Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Section 1: Oral Medicine
Chapter 1. Stress Management for Decreasing Recurrence of Herpes Simplex Virus Infection
(Rolis A. Wuriyanti, Marco Meleti and Yuniardini S. Wimardhani)
Chapter 2. Suspect Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma in an Elderly Patient with Betel-Quid Chewing History: A Case Report
(Felicia Paramita, Gus P. Subita and Harum Sasanti)
Chapter 3. Difficulties in Diagnosis of Oral Lichen Planus and Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: A Case Report
(Wiwik Mayanti, Gus P. Subita, Endah A. Wulandari and Diah R. Handjari)
Chapter 4. A Therapeutic Dilemma of Oral Pemphigus Vulgaris in Pregnancy: A Case Report
(Andi A. Putri, Gus P. Subita and Endah A. Wulandari)
Chapter 5. Predisposing Factors in Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis and Geographic Tongue: A Case Report
(Dwi K. Sari, Gus P. Subita and Ambar K. Astuti)
Chapter 6. Oral Precautions in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer Undergoing Radiotherapy: A Case Report
(Masita Mandasari and Anandina I. Soegyanto)
Chapter 7. Angular Cheilitis and Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis as Detection of Hematinic Deficiencies: Two Case Studies
(Yuli F. Ossa and Febrina Rahmayanti)
Chapter 8. PFAPA Syndrome: A Case Report
(Hsiao-Chun Chou and Yu-Feng Huang)
Section 2: Oral Surgery and Prosthodontics
Chapter 9. Impact of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography on Implant Planning and Prevention of Nerve Injuries: A Case Report
(Mieke Sari and Benny S. Latief)
Chapter 10. Lateral Sinus Lift Procedure for Placement of Dental Implant in a Thin Maxillary Alveolar Bone: A Case Report
(Putri K. Santi and Benny S. Latief)
Chapter 11. Treatment of Bilateral Temporomandibular Joint Ankylosis with Interpositional Temporal Muscle Graft Arthroplasty: A Case Report
(Addys Rino, Wenny Yulvie and Iwan Tofani)
Chapter 12. Maxillary Tuberosity Triangle Phenomenon in Impacted Upper Third Molar: A Case Report
(Tri H. Prasetyo and, Benny S. Latief)
Chapter 13. Management of Schneiderian Membrane Perforation Using Collagen Membrane: A Case Report
(Ken Ayu Miranthy and Benny S. Latief)
Chapter 14. Free Fibular Flap and Deltopectoral Flap for Reconstruction of Defect Caused by Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Mandible
(Yi-Tzu Chen, Pei-Yin Chen and Hsueh-Ju Lu)
Chapter 15. Management of Fibrous Dysplasia of the Maxilla: Two Case Reports with 6-Month Follow-Up
(Muhammad R. Reksoprodjo, Retnowati G. Sudiro and Abdul Latif)
Chapter 16. Mandibular Ameloblastoma in a Young Patient: A Case Report
(Yus A. Wibawa, Dwi Ariawan and Arfan Badeges)
Chapter 17. Comparison of Imaging Characteristics and Margin of an Ameloblastoma between Cone Beam Computed Tomography and Computed Tomography: A Case Report
(M. Adhitya Latief, Benny S. Latief and Menik Priaminiarti)
Chapter 18. Facial Lipoma: A Case Report
(Hardi S. Riyadi, Abdul Latif and Eky Nasuri)
Chapter 19. Management of Maxillary Dentigerous Cyst in a 14-Year-Old Female: A Case Report
(Ahdadiansyah, Evy Eida Vitria and Eky Nasuri)
Chapter 20. Surgical Management of Large Fibro-Epithelial Hyperplasia: A Case Report
(Yayan Andrian, Iwan Tofani and Etty Soenartini)
Chapter 21. Surgical Approach to Radicular Cyst with Repositioning of the Inferior Alveolar Nerve: A Case Report
(Riadin J. Patomo, Adhitya Latief and Benny Latief)
Chapter 22. Orbital Defect Rehabilitation in an Adolescent: A Case Report
(Yayuk S. Rahayu, Inge Paramitha and Nina Ariani)
Chapter 23. Orbital Cavity Reconstruction Using Orbital and Titanium Mesh Plates after Enucleation of Ruptured Eye-Ball Due to Trauma
(Nissia Ananda, Amru Sungkar and Dwi Ariawan)
Chapter 24. Closed Mouth Impression Technique in Resorbed Mandibular Ridge: A Case Report
(Sharren Teguh and Lindawati S. Kusdhany)
Section 3: Conservative Dentistry and Periodontology
Chapter 25. Single Visit Root Canal Treatment in Bilateral Maxillary First Molars with Multiple Pulp Stones: A Case Report
(Muchlis Fauzi and Endang Suprastiwi)
Chapter 26. Retreatment of a Failed Endodontic Therapy of Maxillary Incisivus: A Case Report
(Stiza T. Wiranatakusumah and Dewa A. Artiningsih)
Chapter 27. Endodontic Retreatment of a Maxillary First Premolar with Type V Vertucci Canal Configuration: A Case Report
(Pramodanti Jiwanakusuma and Anggraeni Margono)
Chapter 28. Calcium Hydroxide Ca(OH)<sub>2</sub> as Intracanal Medica-Manent for Treatment of Chronic Apical Lesions: A Case Report
(Luh Putu TB Utami and Endang Suprastiwi)
Chapter 29. Endodontic Management for a Vertucci Type II J-Shaped Root Canal of the Mandibular First Molar
(Siti U. Dewi and Anggraini Margono)
Chapter 30. Endodontic Treatment of Maxillary Canine with Unusual Length: A Case Report
(Swesty Mahardhini and Ratna Meidyawati)
Chapter 31. Non-Surgical Treatment of Apical External Resorption Using Mineral Trioxide Aggregate
(Adeline Clarissa and Nilakesuma Djauharie)
Chapter 32. Mandibular First Molar Teeth with Vertucci’s Type II Configuration: A Case of Endodontic Retreatment
(Anita Erdiani and Munyati Usman)
Chapter 33. Management of Fractured Instrument in Vertucci’s Type V Canal Maxillary Lateral Incisor: A Case Report
(Cut Thysa and Nilakesuma Djauharie)
Chapter 34. Managing Iatrogenic Pulp Exposure with Biodentine: A Case Report
(Stefani A. Dewi and Dewa A. Artiningsih)
Chapter 35. A Composite Resin Onlay for First Permanent Molar Post Pulpectomy in a 9-Year-Old Girl
(Mochamad F. Rizal and Cahyanti W. Susilo)
Chapter 36. Delayed Replantation of Avulsed Anterior Maxillary Teeth: A Case Report
(Ike D. Maharti, Aditya W. Putranto and Shalina Ricardo)
Chapter 37. Delayed Replantation of Avulsed Teeth with 8-Hour Extra Oral Time
(Iffi Aprillia and Munyati Usman)
Chapter 38. Case Series Management of Endo-Perio Lesions with Conventional Root Canal Treatment
(Shalina Ricardo, Astinah Kamizar and Nurmeisari)
Chapter 39. Treatment of Trauma from Occlusion and Periodontal Abscess Caused by Improper Size of Prosthetic Crown: A Case Report
(Sandra O. Kuswandani, Natalina and Yulianti Kemal)
Chapter 40. Esthetic Crown Lengthening in the Anterior Area in Altered Passive Eruption Patient before Orthodontic Treatment
(Sandra O. Kuswandani and Luliek S. Handayani)
Section 4: Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics
Chapter 41. Successful Conservative Management of Intrusive Luxation in the Primary Teeth: A Case Report
(Andriani Octavia and Eva Fauziah)
Chapter 42. Direct Pulp Capping Using Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) – 6 Months Observation: A Case Report
(Puspa D. Pratiwi and Eva Fauziah)
Chapter 43. Initial Treatment of Class II Division I Malocclusion with Twin Block Functional Appliance in 10 Year Old Girl: A Case Report
(Aprillia P. Rachmadani, Sarworini B. Budiardjo and Mochamad F. Rizal)
Chapter 44. Management of Intrusive Luxation Injuries of the Primary Incisor: A Case Report
(Eva Fauziah and Cahyanti W. Susilo)
Chapter 45. Management of Class I Malocclusion with Bilateral Constriction of the Upper and Lower Arch: A Case Report
(Sharah Syam and Miesje K. Purwanegara)
Section 5: Forensic Dentistry
Chapter 46. The Role of Tooth Development and Attrition Analyses in Burnt Victim Age Estimation: A Case Report
(Jessica Jessica, Vanessa Vanessa, Denys P. Alim, Fitri A. Sari and Nurtami Soedarsono)
Chapter 47. The Role of Forensic Odontology in a Child Fire Victim Identification: A Case Report
(Vanessa, Jessica, Aria Yudhistira and Nurtami Soedarsono)
Dental post-graduates students, academicians, dental practitioners and dental specialists. The book presents many rare case reports that will be of interests of audiences, not only in Indonesia, which has a huge market, but in the Asia region.
Case Reports, Dentistry, Oral Diseases