Physical Activity and Function in the Elderly


Series: Geriatrics, Gerontology and Elderly Issues
BISAC: MED032000

The cornerstone of this book is the physical activity and mobility in the elderly as an essential aspect of life. The ageing population due to the current demographic developments is associated with the necessity of maintaining physical function for avoiding the loss of independence and autonomy but also to keep a good health state. Physical function is the capacity of an individual to perform the physical activities of everyday life, and it reflects motor function and control, physical fitness, and habitual physical activity. Many changes may involve physical function during ageing or may be the result of hospitalisation or the comorbidity.

The multidimensional evaluation of geriatrics of these functions may represent the first step for an adequate rehabilitation plan even in more common conditions of an elderly palliative context. Also, in this last setting, the feasibility of preserving physical activity has shown some significant benefits. In this book, particular attention has found the assessment of physical function through the use of specific tools and scales. Some tools may be used as a screening. In the chapter about falls in the elderly, for example, some tools are necessary for the evaluating of risks. This approach helps to prevent falls and their consequences on physical activity and mobility.

The readers can find the analysis of the physical activity in many geriatric patterns such as falls, sarcopenia, chronic diseases, ICU acquired weakness and more prevalent fractures in the elderly. The concluding recommendations refer to the proposals to use in daily practice derived from many current guidelines and world health organisation.
(Imprint: Nova Medicine and Health)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Essential Demographic Aspects of the Ageing Population

Chapter 2. The Assessment of Physical Activity and Mobility in the Elderly

Chapter 3. The Trilogy of Fitness, Frailty and Activity Changes

Chapter 4. Sarcopenia in the Elderly

Chapter 5. Physical activity, Immobility and Chronic Diseases

Chapter 6. Falls in the Elderly

Chapter 7. The Fractures in the Elderly

Chapter 8. ICU Acquired Weakness

Chapter 9. Rehabilitation in the Palliative Context

Chapter 10. Recommendations



Resindents in Geriatrics and Physiotherapiy


Physical Activity; elderly; sarcopenia; falls; chronic diseases

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