Peer Review Process
What is peer review?
A peer review process is used by Publishers to assess the quality of an article, journal article, chapter or manuscript before it is published. Independent researchers in the relevant area of research are used to determine whether the manuscript(s) meet certain criteria to be published. The traditional single and double-blind peer review processes are effective, however, there are limitations and we believe there are benefits to an Open Peer Review process as well, the details of which are described below:
Open Peer Process for Scholarly Books:
Authors know who the reviewers are, and the reviewers know who the authors are. If the manuscript is accepted, the named reviewer reports are published alongside the article or manuscript. Our books are focused on three disciplines: 1. Medicine and Health 2. Science and Technology and 3. Social Sciences. The works that are included in this open peer trial have already been accepted and contracted for publication. If you are interested in participating as a reviewer, please contact Stella Rosa at To avoid any delays in publication, we are providing reviewers with one month to evaluate and provide their feedback on the selected book proposals and chapters to help authors to develop their books. Thank you.
Editorial Review Process
1. The abstract (for chapters) is submitted to NOVA for review. Upon acceptance, the editor(s) examine the submitted manuscript to determine whether it should be accepted for publication.
2. NOVA typically sends out the chapters and/or authored books for peer-review. The peer-reviewers are specialists in the subject matter. If the peer-reviewers agree, they are given 30 days to complete and submit their review. Their comments are then submitted to the author(s) or editor(s) to incorporate into their manuscript. It is up to the author and/or editor to incorporate these changes. If both parties agree, the peer-reviewers names are published alongside the work.
3. If the chapter and/or book is not peer-reviewed, the manuscript still goes through an editorial review process. This includes comments and/or suggestions to the authors, if any, to strengthen the contents of the manuscript and its potential contribution to the field.