About the book:
“This is a worth-reading book about the recent developments in Linear Algebra and it includes contributions of fourteen authors from all over the world. The themes analyzed by the researchers in the ten chapters include quadratic optimization, matrix pencils, generalized inverses, matrix equations, maximal and minimal ranks and inertias, triangular matrices (tables) and their parafunctions, iterative methods, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, quasideterminants, regular rings and quaternions, among others. These developments have strong connections with other branches of mathematics like statistics, optimization, discrete mathematics and differential equations and they are related to important topics like fractals, graphs, power series, Markovian transitions and ODEs stability. Outside mathematics, potential applications to financial problems, electrical networks, filter design, chemical kinetics mechanisms and control theory, remark the importance of the topics considered. Finally, the inclusion of several open problems, numerical examples that clarify the theory and even a touch of humor in one of the footnotes, complete this interesting, enjoyable and easy readable book.” Victor Martinez-Luaces, Profesor, Universidad de la República, Uruguay
My chapter:
Chapter 10. First Order Chemical Kinetics Matrices and Stability of O.D.E. Systems
Victor Martinez-Luaces (Electrochemistry Engineering Multidisciplinary Research Group, Uruguay)