Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Urban Regeneration, Business Improvement Districts and Retail Revitalization: Mind the Gaps (Luís Mendes and André Carmo – Centre for Geographical Studies, Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal, et al.)
Chapter 2. Is Urban Regeneration Possible Without Gentrification? A Proposal of a Social Condenser for Algeria’s Street, Lisbon (Roberta Pellé, Gennaro Giacalone, Marco Borsotti, Sonia Pistidda and Luís Mendes – Franco Maghenzani Architetture, Lecce, Italy, et al.)
Chapter 3. Urban Regeneration and Citizen’s City Making, Lessons Learned from a South-European Perspective (Teresa Tapada-Berteli – Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain)
Chapter 4. Sustainable Urban Regeneration in Ireland: A Case Study (Mark Cullinane, Siobhan O’Sullivan, and Cathal O’Connell – School of Applied Social Studies, University College Cork, Ireland)
Chapter 5. Expropriation and Urban Regeneration (Hee Jae Lee – Department of Architecture, KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany)