Book Reviews
“This book was written for the rational, educated reader who is suspicious that ancient wisdom had something important to say. Author George Elder tackles the immense topic of dream interpretation, offering his own dream history to test a view that combines contemporary neurophysiology and dream interpretation schema from cultures around the world.”READ MORE… – Dale Cyphert, Ph.D., University of Northern Iowa
“An intriguing look at the nature of dreams via Elder’s examination and interpretation of his own. Elder recounts a number of dreams from various times during his life, and considers the conditions which may have caused the particular stories that played out while asleep.” READ MORE… – Sayward Ayre, Ph.D., author of Tribute to Og: Memories of a Future Lifemate
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“Short bowel syndrome (SBS) in infants and children continues to be a major cause of morbidity and mortality in spite of all the advances that have occurred in the last thirty years in the management of congenital and acquired abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract. This is the case currently in spite of major advances in nutritional support, both enteral and parenteralnutrition, intestinal transplantation and advanced therapies for support of the failing liver. The management of patients with short bowel syndrome is complex, requiring a comprehensive approach that frequently necessitates long-term use of parenteral nutrition.” READ MORE… – Hua Yang, M.D., Ph.D., Professor and Chairman, Department of General Surgery, Xinqiao Hospital, Third Military Medical University
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“Given the scope and depth of recent mindfulness research, the title of Kimiyo Murata-Soraci’s (2014) edited volume, Psychology of Mindfulness, marks out an ambitiously broad domain. Indeed, it is difficult to think of an area within the field of psychology as it is currently practiced for which mindfulness would not prove relevant in some way.” READ MORE… – Reviewed by Donald R. Marks and Amanda Aster
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“The book explores and illustrates how inclusive communities can be created and sustained through the development and implementation of empowerment strategies, utilising the framework of the Dynamic Synergy Model. This model describes and illustrates three types of empowerment: self-empowerment, peer empowerment, and community empowerment. It also touches on combinations of these types, thus producing synergistic models of empowerment. Besides being aimed at policy makers and managers working within the whole range of health and social environments, I also recommend this new book to the full range of health and social professionals directly working at the ‘coal face’. The book builds on earlier empowerment books essentially focussed on issues related to older people written by the authors and others, by also considering issues related to a variety of younger groups.” – Professor Duncan Boldy, PhD, MSc. BSc (Hons), CertEd. , Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia
“This international, interdisciplinary compilation of chapters revolves around the model called the Dynamic Synergy Model. Using a human rights perspective, it offers human service providers a mechanism with which to intervene for a variety of population and target levels.” READ MORE… – Professor Uma A. Segal, University of Missouri–St. Louis, Missouri, USA
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“One can never learn too much about elementary solutions of General Relativity. In this book, the authors provide a general global description, using Israel matching conditions, of spherically symmetric spacetimes with thin shell sources, charged or neutral, in spacetimes that are themselves asymptotically Schwarzschild or Reissner-Nordstrom, and have various charged/neutral interiors. This book will provide an authoritative, useful, basis for further explorations of the Einstein-Maxwell system, and its extensions both to wider models and more complex sources.” – Stanley Deser, PhD., Professor Emeritus of Physics, Brandeis University, USA
“Thin shells and surface layers are increasingly used to model gravitational collapse and phase transitions in general relativity and cosmology. However, a textbook treatment of these topics is still hard to find in the current literature. This book nicely fills the gap. The techniques are illustrated by focusing on the dynamics of charged spherical shells in a variety of backgrounds. Recommended for students and practitioners who want to add this useful tool to their armory.” – Werner Israel, Adjunct Professor, University of Victoria, Canada
For more information about this book, please click here.
“The book is very useful and comprehensive review of the milestones and of selected important results in cosmic ray (CR) physics obtained since its discovery until present, in the series of Space Science, Exploration and Policies of NOVA. Division into five parts including the chapters within each of the part, is done based on extensive and detailed knowledge of the important subjects related not only to CR physics, but also to high energy physics, physics of the atmosphere, space plasma physics etc.” READ MORE… – Karel Kudela, Professor, Institute of Experimental Physics, Former Head of Space Physics Department of IEP SAS in Kosice and PI of Cosmic Ray Observatory on Lomnitsky Stit.
For more information about this book, please click here.
“As a researcher I found this book as a pioneering and fundamental work of dynamic consumer theory. There is no other work which goes as deeply into this field than this book. It is not only an excellent reference of the field, but Dr Yeung, as the leading researcher of this field, introduced many new developments and results, some of which were not published before.” READ MORE… – Ferenc Szidarovszky, Professor, University of Pecs, Applied Mathematics Department, Hungary.
For more information about this book, please click here.
“Dr. Anila has comprehensively covered the various lesions in oral pathology with a relevant table on its immunohistochemical assessment in this book. The differential diagnosis at the end of each topic is also very useful.” – Dr. Karthikeyan Ramalingam
For more information about this book, please click here.
“This brilliantly written book should become required reading by the directors and staffs of medical liability insurance companies and all residency directors to use some of its main messages to help break the cycle of wasteful defensive medicine practices often perpetuated by senior physician mentors.” – Charles Aswad, M.D., President Emeritus, Medical Society of the State of New York, Board Member, Medical Liability Mutual Insurance Company (MLMIC)
“Clear; concise; accurate; understandable and optimistic. No quibbles. I like it, a lot!” – George D. Lundberg, M.D., Former Editor in Chief of the Journal of the American Medical Association
“In his book, Dr. Couch, who describes himself as a “radical independent pragmatic centrist,” describes the face of medical liability in the world of healthcare reform, in particular how health IT like electronic health records (EHRs) can influence care in ways that can drive healthcare costs and quality either up or down.” READ MORE… – Paul Anderson, Editor and director of ECRI Institute’s risk management and patient safety publications
For more information about this book, please click here.
“This is a very interesting book that brings the reader to the up-to-date state of knowledge in a variety of areas related to nanofluids. The first chapter describes the ways of preparation, crucial to the stability of the nanofluid. Lists of commercially available nanoparticles are also given. The next two chapters deal mostly with the enhancement of heat transfer in the presence of nanoparticles in a fluid. Measurements are examined and the available correlations since Maxwell are discussed. An up-to-date discussion of viscosity is presented in Chapter 5. The next chapters give a very good insight in capillary wetting, convective heat transfer and pool boiling, areas which are very interesting today. Chapter 9 presents a description of nanofluids in droplet-based microfluidics. Optical engineering applications are discussed in the next chapter while the book ends with a chapter in progress and challenges in nanofluids research. In general, it presents a very good opportunity for the reader to get a good insight in the field of nanofluid. Readers can be researchers, postgraduate and undergraduate students but as it reads easily, anybody else that wants to get a good understanding of the field.” – Professor Marc J. Assael, FIChemE, CEng, CSci, DIC, Director, Laboratory of Thermophysical Properties & Environmental Processes, Department of Chemical Engineering, Aristotle University
For more information about this book, please click here.