Book Reviews

Book Reviews

Neuroecology and Neuroethology in Molluscs: The Interface between Behaviour and Environment

“This book makes a strong case for the importance of molluscs in the study and development of neuroecology as a discipline. At first sight, molluscs do not seem to be a promising group of animals for this area of biology. There appears to be a mismatch between the model organisms used for neuroethology and those species that are most valuable for ecological studies.” READ MORE…Paul R. Benjamin, Professor of Neuroscience, School of Life Sciences, University of Sussex, United Kingdom

For more information about this book, please click here.

A Practitioner’s Guide to Pilonidal Sinus Disease

“I applaud this recent book by Dr Pravin Gupta, (an expert in the field of proctology) that dedicates itself to the management of this difficult condition. This is long overdue and is a timely addition to the available literature on this important subject. For me, it has always been a little mysterious why the management of pilonidal disease has become the perview of the coloproctologist. The book beautifully defines the nature of the disease, its etiopathogenesis, its clinical assessment and its management and it is an opportune tome for the practicing clinician unlike no other that I am aware of currently in the field.” READ MORE…Andrew Zbar, MD (Lond) MBBS FRCS (Ed) FRACS FSICCR (Hon), Professor of Surgery , Chaim Sheba Medical Center Israel

A Practitioners Guide to Pilondial Sinus Disease by Pravin J. Gupta is a hybrid between a definitive textbook and a working handbook. It is comprehensive and detailed enough to be the former, well written, illustrated and referenced with a complete bibliography. On the other hand it is relatively small, but by no means brief, totaling 92 pages which could be considered the latter.” READ MORE…Herand Abcarian, M.D., FACS

“A Practitioners Guide to Pilonidal Sinus Disease is a comprehensive guidebook for surgical practitioners. It gives a good insight into presentation and pathophysiology of pilonidal sinus disease, along with thorough descriptions of most of the approaches in management and surgical techniques used in the treatment of it. This book offers a good insight into this condition that causes trouble to a great number of people around the world, and starting as a small problem could lead to severe complications in case of inadequate treatment. I find this book very useful and really enjoyed reading it.” – Jelena Petrovic, MD, Surgeon, Department for Colorectal Surgery, Clinical Center of Serbia

For more information about this book, please click here.

Microbes in Process

To read the review, click here.Dr. Ritu Mahajan, Department of Biotechnology, Kurukshetra University, India

For more information about this book, please click here.

Loneliness, Love and All that’s Between: A Psychological Look at What Makes Us Lonely and What Keeps Us in Love

“Is well written, with a good, logical flow of valuable information, easy to read and understand, and should be on every counselor’s/ psychologist’s/ social worker’s desk. It also should be required reading In college counseling, mental health and related courses. This book is a winner. Few books cover the topic of loneliness as does this one. The Chapter ” Enriching Good Marriages and Fixing Bad Ones ” is a must read for everyone. Dr. Rokach has produced a winner! Congratulations!” – Joseph P. Cangemi, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of Psychology, WKU

“Dr. Rokach’s book offers a wide range of perspectives on loneliness. Spanning all age groups, the analysis helps the reader to understand the meaning and implications of loneliness. The research-supported approaches to overcoming loneliness are wonderful tools in coming to an understanding of one’s loneliness and how to cope with it. Case examples used throughout the book not only illustrate how loneliness affects individuals, but also relationships; providing hope for those experiencing loneliness within their relationships. In a compelling way, the book encapsulates a breadth of information about what makes or breaks relationships while program suggestions provide the reader with clear direction and useful ideas. Loneliness, Love and All That’s Between is a book that is a perfect guide for couples or individuals who are experiencing loneliness. Nicely done Dr. Rokach! – Nicole Mitchell, MEd (Counselling Psych)

“Dr. Rokach’s new book dissects the complex issue of loneliness which is so prevalent today. He walks us through identifying and assessing our intimate relationships, and how to improve them. In an age where nearly 50% of marriages break down, it is valuable to have a roadmap to optimizing the union we have chosen, and because it is written in easily understood terminology and with many anecdotes, a greater audience will be able to benefit from the knowledge imparted.” – Doreen Davies Ioannou, Author of “A New Eden”

“This is a wonderful book with a very thorough, exhaustive approach to the topic of loneliness. The amount of information and the comprehensive analysis with which the various points are depicted is quite impressive.” READ MORE…Milada Disman, Ph.D., Assistant Professor (retired), Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Toronto, ON, Canada

Loneliness, Love and All that’s Between: A Psychological Look at What Makes Us Lonely and What Keeps Us in Love provide comprehensive overviews of loneliness in adult romantic relationships. Written from the perspectives of clinical psychologists engaged both in couple therapy and in academia, the books are an attempt to fill in a literature gap regarding the experience of loneliness despite being actively involved in an intimate relationship.” READ MORE…Alex Molaver, University of Connecticut in the May 2016 newsletter, Interpersonal Acceptance

For more information about this book, please click here.

Post-Cambrian Testate Foraminifera as a System in its Evolution

“The book begins with a historical review of the previous attempts at classifying the Foraminifera beginning with d’Orbigny. Both western and Russian sources are quoted, so the review is quite comprehensive and an impressive list of references is cited.” READ MORE…Mike Kaminski, Professor, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals. Published in the Newsletter of Micropaleontology.

For more information about this book, please click here.

Together and Lonely: Loneliness in Intimate Relationships – Causes and Coping

“Two Israeli experts got together, to publish this book, which examines mainly the phenomenon of loneliness within intimate relationships, as marriage and family.” READ MORE…Dr. Yochi Ben-Nun, President, Israel Psychological Association

“In Together and Lonely, the need to belong-or to be socially accepted-is highlighted as a central and powerful factor in loneliness, as well as in psychopathology more broadly. The authors discuss the fundamental nature of the need to belong, and suggest that many of the presenting problems in psychotherapy may be best understood from a belongingness framework.” READ MORE…Alex Molaver, University of Connecticut in the May 2016 newsletter, Interpersonal Acceptance

For more information about this book, please click here.

Young, Violent and Dangerous to Know

“Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, Timothy McVeigh, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, and Mr. Spock are some of the personalities readers will encounter in Michael Fitzgerald’s book Young, Violent and Dangerous to Know. Autism, psychopathy, and autistic psychopathy are some of the main concepts that are presented in the book. Indeed, serial killers and autism are possibly two of the hottest topics in mainstream media today.” READ MORE…Dr. Leafar F. Espinoza

For more information about this book, please click here.

Cultural Considerations in Intervention with Women and Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence

“This much-needed volume deftly interweaves historical context and state-of-the-art intervention science to provide guidance on providing domestic violence services in an array of cultural contexts. Individual chapters provide specific guidance on adapting the Kids’ Club and Moms’ Empowerment programs for diverse groups in the United States and internationally, helping readers learn how to apply evidence-based practices in communities worldwide.” – Sherry Hamby, Ph.D., Editor, Psychology of Violence, Director, Life Paths Appalachian Research Center (LPARC), Founder and Co-Chair, ResilienceCon, Research Professor of Psychology, University of the South, Monteagle, TN USA

“This volume, created and edited by Graham-Bermann, an international expert in research and intervention for children exposed to intimate partner violence, is a highly valuable contribution to the field. It is the first volume to compile evidence for the cross-cultural adaptation of intervention programs for families struggling with intimate partner violence, a tragically prevalent problem across the world. This important work is essential for researchers and practitioners in the field of intimate partner violence in order to best adapt their interventions in a culturally competent manner. It is particularly vital in today’s world, including within the U.S. that we expand our interventions to reach a broader and more diverse range of families struggling with these issues.” – Alytia A. Levendosky, Ph.D., Professor and Acting Co-Director of the MSU Psychological Clinic, Department of Psychology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA

“This edited volume chronicles the impressive array of differing cultural contexts where Dr. Graham-Bermann’s ground-breaking intervention programs for women and children affected by intimate partner violence have been successfully implemented. It goes a step further by also outlining issues and challenges for potential future implementation in a variety of cultural contexts around the globe, carefully including vulnerable women from traditionally disenfranchised communities. The significance of the impact of the Kids’ Club and Moms’ Empowerment programs in improving the lives of children and their mothers to date cannot be overstated. This volume is innovative and timely by addressing how cultural competence and sensitivity can be successfully cultivated in rigorous evidence-based programs firmly grounded in scholarly evidence and clinical wisdom.” – Caroline Piotrowski, PhD MPH, Director of Violence & Injury Prevention Research Group, Associate Professor of Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

For more information about this book, please click here.

Vehicular Networks: Applications, Performance Analysis and Challenges

“This book provides an updated overview of a wide range of issues, trends and challenges of vehicular networks, written by internationally leading researchers in the fields.  It is definitely a valuable reference book for researchers and professionals who are interested in the technical areas.”
Professor Kin K. Leung, Tanaka Chair Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London, UK

“A detailed and comprehensive introduction to the applications and challenges of vehicular networks. This book can serve as an instrumental reference for the general V2X and connected vehicle community.”
Professor Victor C.M. Leung, Distinguished Professor, College of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Shenzhen University

“The coverage of this book is all-encompassing, from protocol designs, vehicular positioning, computing platforms, to security. A must read for anyone who wants to be in the know about the latest and upcoming landscape of vehicular networking. A timely book for researchers, students, and practitioners alike!”
Professor Soung C. Liew, Professor, Department of Information Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

For more information about this book, please click here.


Inositols: Guide to Practical Applications in Obstetrics and Gynecology

“This book provides a comprehensive overview on the use of Inositols in gynecology and obstetrics. From their discovery in 1850 to the most recent findings, the chapters thoroughly describe historical and current knowledge on the impact of Inositols, mainly Myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol, upon management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Metabolic syndrome, Preeclampsia, Fetal programming, Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Gynecologic oncology. Results from scientific investigations and clinical applications are presented in a rigorous although simple manner. Researchers and clinicians will certainly benefit from reading this book, and will find opportunities to expand current knowledge and applications of Inositols in this relevant field.” – Mónica H. Vazquez-Levin, MSc., PhD. Senior Investigator. Consejo de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de Argentina (CONICET). Director Laboratory of Cell-Cell Interaction en Reproduction and Cancer. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental (IBYME-CONICET), Argentina.

“Inositol is a promising possible safe alternative treatment for amenorrhea and PCOS. This compendium outstandingly focus on new research and understanding of this alternative innovative therapy, both in metabolic and reproductive profile. I strongly recommend the reading of this book that is really unique and useful.” –Professor Francesco Orio, MD, PhD, Professor of Endocrinology “Parthenope” University of Naples, Italy

“Accumulating evidence suggests that Inositols play a pivotal role in several biological processes, which are fundamental for endocrine and metabolic regulation as well as human reproduction. In this scenario, Inositols have paramount importance as potent and cost-effective compounds to counteract the underlying causes of different pathological conditions, such as metabolic syndrome, polycystic ovary syndrome, gestational diabetes and infertility. Although these insulin-sensitizer molecules have pleiotropic actions in different body microenvironments, the book provides a complete and updated summary for an evidence-based therapeutic approach with Inositols in the whole field of obstetrics and gynecology.” – Antonio Simone Laganà, M.D., Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, “Filippo Del Ponte” Hospital, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy.

“This exhaustive and very updated book guides us through the different therapeutic approaches to the obstetrics and gynecological disorders, from PCOS and GDM to infertility. A book of great scientific value written by the main worldwide experts on Inositol. It provides an overview of the critical role played by this natural molecule, from the early discovery up to nowadays researches. I recommend this publication to health professionals and researchers who want to explore in detail this area and bring the information displayed here to their everyday practice.” – Giusy Porcaro, M.D., Department of Obstetrics and Gynecological, Hospital Santa Maria della Stella Orvieto USL Umbria 2, Orvieto, Umbria

For more information about this book, please click here.