Book Reviews
This edited collection is an excellent resource for scholars and students working on Twitter. It deals with a range of issues, methods, and challenges, opening up dialogue that is crucial for the development of research in what is an increasingly interdisciplinary area of study. – Michele Zappavigna, School of Arts & Media, UNSW, Sydney, Australia
For more information about this book, please click here.
“Two features, among others, make this book particularly inspiring: the author’s adoption of a broad definition of diversity and the analysis of our relationship with diversity especially within the perspective of complexity science. And, most interestingly, the book itself develops as a complex system where, among other things, the presence of the Subject is continuously acknowledged and underlined.” For a little further review of the book, click here. – J. Martin Ramirez, MD, PhD, Full Professor & Head, Center for Conflict Studies, Nebrija University; Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science; Chair of CICA International
“The main aim of the book is to understand socio-cultural diversity as one of the numerous interconnected constituents of a larger system that is formed by the numberless kinds of diversities(in terms of age, gender, status, education, species, “inner”diversity, etc.).” READ MORE… – Marzanna Farnicka, PhD, Developmental Psychopathology Department, Institute of Psychology, Zielona Góra University
For more information about this book, please click here.
“This book, of very high quality, deserves to find a place on the bookshelves of active researchers and educators in the field, as required reading (likely of one or two most pertinent chapters) in advanced graduate seminars for PhD students in this field, in the reference books of industrial practitioners undertaking pertinent work, and most certainly in university libraries.” READ MORE… – Edward Williams, Lecturer of Decision Sciences and Information Technology Management, University of Michigan-Dearborn College of Business, Michigan, USA
For more information about this book, please click here.
“This edited book has a great line up of international contributors renowned for their work in hospitality studies. The book provides a useful cross-disciplinary resource for students, academics and practitioners interested in understanding and theorising hospitality within a commercial context.” READ MORE… – Professor Alison McIntosh, School of Hospitality and Tourism, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
For more information about this book, please click here.
“The book is devoted to a broad spectrum of methods and techniques of an interdisciplinary nature, where both Mathematics and Engineering play a significant role. More specifically, this volume presents up-to-date advances in cyber-security, information management technologies, along with mathematical and engineering applications. Eminent experts in the individual subjects have presented very important works which can prove very essential for future research. The book appeals to a wide readership, from graduate students to research scientists who seek the latest information. It would also serve as a very valuable reference source for libraries of universities, research institutes, as well as individual collections. I believe this publication contributes very much to the existing literature in Science and Technology and will serve as a source of inspiration and guidance for further study in the corresponding areas of research.” – Themistocles M. Rassias, Professor at the National Technical University of Athens, Greece
For more information about this book, please click here.
“Parental Involvement: Practices, Improvement Strategies and Challenges pioneers a scientific research-based book that demonstrates the effect of strengthening parent-teacher relationships in promoting the child’s development and success in school and in life. Derived from studies in various countries (Australia, Finland, Israel, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United States), this book reflects strategies for parental involvement and mediation factors from various cultural perspectives and teachers’ ethnic and professional identities in influencing parental involvement in their children’s growth both at school and at home. A must-read for educators, school psychologists, school counselors, and researchers around the world!” – Anastasia Lijadi, PhD, Research Scholar World Population Program, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria
“Extensive research has clearly established that parental involvement is one of the keys to student academic success. But how does one promote parent involvement? Parental Involvement: Practices, Improvement Strategies and Challenges explains how. This innovative book by editors Kaplan-Toren and van Schalkwyk provides an up-to-date overview of cutting edge international research on parent involvement. It contains valuable recommendations for overcoming the wide range of challenges that act as barriers to parent involvement. This book is a must-read for teachers, teacher educators, school administrators, and school-based mental health professionals.” – Brian Gerrard, PhD, Chief Academic Officer, Western Institute for Social Research Berkeley, California
“While by its wording it applies to parents, in practice parental involvement relates to both parents and teachers and particularly to the joint relationships between them. Given the universality of schooling yet manifold educational objectives and practices, parental involvement has multiple meanings translated into various culture-contingent modes employed by both parents and teachers in diversified socio-ethnic settings. Drawing on their research, in this volume, Nurit Toren-Kaplan and Gertina van Schalkwyk and their colleagues offer a broad perspective on the practices, benefits and challenges of parental involvement as carried out in five different countries, in fact representing five different continents. As borders open and countries become multi-cultural, this volume offers highly valuable knowledge to practicing teachers, teacher educators, and educational policy makers and prompts new questions for researchers across different parts of the world.” – Rachel Seginer, PhD, Emeritus professor of Development and Education, Faculty of Education, University of Haifa; Chairperson Department of Psychology and MA Educational Psychology Program, Yezreel Valley College, Israel
For more information about this book, please click here.
“From literally cover-to-cover, this book delivers what its title promises- “Photovoice: Participation and Empowerment in Research.” Whether read collectively or individually, the nine essay chapters here-in, thoughtfully interweave scholarly practice with professional research. The result is the affirmation of the endless value and timeless vitality of “Photovoice” as a catalytic tool for system-wide change. Whether new to this methodology of inquiry or seasoned in its use, readers will be witness to its art and science as it both captures and amplifies the images and voices of all involved. This book is a ‘must read’ for everyone who appreciates the interconnections between and among individuals, their families and communities, and the policies that are intended to serve them. “Photovoice: Participation and Empowerment in Research” is a ‘must have’ for those of us committed to ensuring that our collaborations with communities are not just community- placed, they are genuinely community-based!” – Darlyne Bailey, Ph.D., LISW, Professor and Dean Emeritus, Director, Social Justice Initiative and Special Assistant to the President for Community Partnerships, Bryn Mawr College, USA, Co-Chair, Special Commission to Advance Macro Practice in Social Work, Co- author, The Alignment of Leadership Development and Participatory Action Research
“This new work edited by Drs. Moya and Chávez-Baray gives step-by-step instructions for implementing Photovoice, an asset-based approach that has the potential to empower and give voice to those who are too often unheard in society. The diverse applications captured by the experienced authors of the book’s chapters illustrate the flexibility of the method across different disciplines, contexts, and populations, and provide ideas for future work. The book is an essential toolbox for the qualitative community-based participatory researcher who is interested in both gaining insight into the lives of community members and working alongside them to effect meaningful change. However, it is also accessible to those who have never conducted research and who seek a documentary medium that has simultaneous potential for active intervention.” – John Wiebe, PhD, Professor of Psychology, Interim Provost, Vice President for Academic Affairs, The University of Texas at El Paso
“This incredible book is a compendium of information on the Photovoice method from a global perspective. It is very readable, and clearly documents the effectiveness of Photovoice as a method of research and empowerment in communities. This methodology also has a clear theoretical base of feminist theory, critical theory, and use of photography as a method. The first chapter is a clear explanation of the Photovoice method and has excellent appendices on the methodology of using this community based qualitative research. The following chapters detail the practical use of this method worldwide, in Mexico, and in the United States. It is clear that Photovoice has impacted many communities in the world and is change agent to impact policy makers. Reading this book will benefit practitioners, students, and academicians.” – Dr. Steven Granich, Lock Haven University, Pennsylvania, USA
For more information about this book, please click here.
“Management of spinal cord and spinal column tumors has extended the reach of the neurosurgeon. This book reviews the main tumors of this area of the nervous system and gives an overview on the main approaches in a step-by-step fashion. The goal of this book is, therefore, to assist neurosurgeons and spinal surgeons to better understand the main neoplastic pathologies of this area, and limits and possibilities of spinal approaches. I am pretty sure that this volume will lead to improve the knowledge on spinal cord and spinal column tumors and their management for better care of patients.” – Giovanni Grasso, MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Neurosurgical Clinic, Department of Experimental Biomedicine & Clinical Neurosciences, Deputy Rector for Relationships with Medical & Scientific Associations and Charities, University of Palermo, Italy
“Dr. Landi and Dr. Defini have edited a most comprehensive text on spinal cord and spinal column tumors. By starting with the basic anatomy and biochemistry, they lay the groundwork for a better understanding of all the following chapters. This approach is laudable. The topic is one of the most important in the field of neurosurgery. Spinal cord tumors are poorly understood, and often overlooked. Not since the book from Johns Hopkins Hospital “Surgery for Skull Base Tumors (Contemporary Issues in Neurological Surgery)” edited by Donlin Long, MD, PhD, has there been such a comprehensive text on these issues. According to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, primary tumors arising from the spinal cord, spinal nerve roots and dura are rare compared to CNS tumors that arise in the brain. Overall prevalence is estimated at one spinal tumor for every four intracranial lesions. About 10,000 Americans develop primary (30%) or metastatic (70%) spinal cord tumors each year. This book, edited by Dr Landi and Dr. Defini brings new clarity of understanding of this rare, but potentially devastating clinical process. Any neurosurgeons will greatly benefit from this volume.” – Nelson Hendler, MD, MS, Former assistant professor of neurosurgery, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Former associate professor of physiology University of Maryland School of Dental Surgery
For more information about this book, please click here.
“With this book, Dr. Mary Lee Jensvold offers us insight into chimpanzee behavior through the writings of a fascinating group of people, who have in common an in-depth knowledge of chimpanzees. Rarely is such diversity in topics (art to meat-eating) and settings (US language-laboratory to African field sites) available in a single volume that highlights the proclivities of our closest living relatives. Jensvold, and the other experts contributing chapters, truly enhance our understandings by sharing their views of what makes chimpanzees so special, enriching our care for them in captivity and reinforcing their conservation needs in the wild.” – Dr. Kim Bard, Professor of Comparative Developmental Psychology, University of Portsmouth UK
“Chimpanzee Behaviour is a compendium of papers describing new results of studies of chimpanzees both in captivity and the wild. This is a valuable contribution to the literature on chimpanzees, and further testimony to how much more there is to learn about our closest relatives.” – Dr. Craig Stanford, Professor of Biological Sciences, University of Southern California
For more information about this book, please click here.
“Mechanisms of Evolution is a refreshing rethinking of the forces behind the evolutionary process. Particularly interesting and stimulating is the discussion of the relationship between biological and cultural evolution. You don’t have to agree with this book but you will learn from reading it.” – Michael Ruse
For more information about this book, please click here.