Book Reviews
“Management and Economic Policy for Development, published by Nova in New York, has an important massage: not just economics is interdisciplinary, but the management as well. To be successful in the managing of a state, a private company or an NGO, one has to look into the interconnections with other disciplines to “avoid losing sight of what matters.”” READ MORE… – NAGY, Sándor Gyula,PhD, associate professor, Corvinus University of Budapest Department of World Economics and STUKOVSZKY, Tamás, PhD-candidate and lecturer, Corvinus University of Budapest Department of World Economics
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“Salvaterra et al provide an educational foundation on Ethical and legal and social (ELSI) and other regulatory issues in cord blood, stem cell, neonatal biobanking. Aggregated teachings from key collaborators in the field contribute historical perspective, detailed insight and analyses into ELSI issues germane to adult and pediatric biospecimen and clinical research.” READ MORE… – Lisa B Miranda, President and Chief Executive Officer, Biobusiness Consulting Incorporated
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“The book, as a research source, is well-written and is an excellent source of knowledge in the area of biomathematics. The first four chapters, of total ten chapters, are devoted to the study of Daphnia species from a mathematical point of view. The targeted audiences for this part of the book are researchers in applied mathematics, differential equations, biomathematics, mathematical biology, and mathematical ecology. The knowledge of ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, integral equations and functional analysis are main required knowledge for understanding these chapters. The remaining six chapters are dedicated to studies of Daphnia species from a biological point of view. The targeted audiences for this part of the book are researchers in the area of biology, chemistry, ecology and environmental science..” – Aliakbar Montazer Haghighi, Ph. D., Professor and Head of Department of Mathematics, Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder of AAM, An International Journal
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“Many of us yearn for a future in which health is seen more as a basic human right to be protected than as an earned commodity to be marketed. “The Quest for Health Equity” lights the pathway between here and there. Science is needed to move us forward on that path over time, but passion is needed to get us onto that path in the first place. Much like its author, Angela Sauaia, this book is a blend of science and passion. “The Quest for Health Equity” will therefore probably become a very popular textbook for students who want to learn about this topic. For those of us who are more seasoned, this book will be a useful reminder to get back onto the path toward equity, and a useful guide for how we might move forward toward a better future.” – Tim Byers, MD, MPH; Associate Dean for Public Health Practice, Colorado School of Public Health Associate Director for Cancer Prevention and Control, University of Colorado Cancer Center.
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“The new book published by NOVA Publishers, USA, “Salmon: Biology, Ecological Impacts and Economic Importance” is a collection of scientific reviews in diverse fields of salmonid ecology, morphology, genetics, fisheries, aquaculture, and economic importance of salmon. Twenty-eight authors from seven “salmon-dependent” (a word from Chapter 14 that caught my fancy) countries represent 15 chapters filled with both well-known and new information on considered issues.” READ MORE… – Vladimir I. Radchenko, Executive director, North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
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Biologia Plantarum Reviewed by – Andreas Börner, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Gatersleben, Germany and Elena K. Khlestkina, Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Novosibirsk, Russia
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“Raju Das’ book is a joyful scream of defiance, but it is also a call to study. His searchlight is a Marxism that is critical of everything, including itself. Whether the focus is on the theory of the state, unfree labor, social class in rural India, pharmaceutical fraud in the USA, the nature of protest politics, or Marxist class theory itself, Das will make you want to join in his boundless sense of struggle and possibility. You will almost feel invited to think critically, even about his specific interventions, because only thus will you and he be truly part of the international movement to build the world-beyond-capitalism that we all so desperately need. Don’t just read this book; put it to good use!” – David Laibman, Editor, Science & Society, Professor (Emeritus), Economics, City University of New York
For more information about this book, please click here.
“Rather than ordinary axiomatic approach, this textbook proves 52 theorems and 12 corollaries, and thus establishes the quantum mechanics upon demonstrations. Based on the proved theorem of watershed between classical and quantum physics, this textbook solves with confidence the contradiction between quantum mechanics and general theory of relativity. This contradiction is thought as a 21 century difficult problem in physics.” READ MORE… – Chongyu Wang, Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
“I think that “Quantum Mechanics upon Theorem” makes quantum mechanics at the first time to go from postulates to demonstrations. Although the history of quantum physics is more than 100 years, it is a big regret that until now all its basic concepts and pictures, such as uncertainty relation, wave-particle duality, operator representation, still stop at stage of postulates, and thus the basis of quantum mechanics is not very firm.” READ MORE… – Wei-xin Zhang, Professor, Academician of Chinese Engineering Academy
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“The book is comprised of a series of good quality and interesting peer reviewed submissions arising from presentations made at a conference held at James Cook University, Cairns, Australia in November 2013. The major contributing disciplines are human physiology, psychology, nutrition and aspects of clinical medicine.” READ MORE… – Ron J. Butterly, Ph.D
For more information about this book, please click here.
“Spurred by shifts in the field of eating disorders occurring since the publication of the inaugural edition of this text, not the least of which is the DSM-5, Drs. Dancyger and Fornari once again assemble an international case of leading experts to provide and updated edition of Evidence Based Treatments for Eating Disorders: Children, Adolescents and Adults. Second Edition. READ MORE… – Reviewed by Blake A. Phillips, MD, NYU Child Study Center, Bellevue Hospital Center, NY USA. Published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
“Medicine’s evidence-base moves inexorably forward, sometimes in small steps and sometimes in major jumps, and medical editors constantly face questions regarding when to justify publishing new editions. Since publication of the first volume of Evidence Based Treatments for Eating Disorders: Children, Adolescents and Adults in 2009 several significant shifts have occurred in the eating disorders field that merit an updated presentation of findings to help inform clinical decision-making.” READ MORE… – Joel Yager, M.D., Department of Psychiatry, University of Colorado School of Medicine
For more information about this book, please click here.